Thursday, January 12

Shave and a Haircut

A few weeks ago, my neighbors across the street, probably the only people I live near I really talk to with any frequency, left a message at home concerning the folks who live next to me (not Silly Fountain Guy). I hadn't really noticed, but apparently, they hadn't seen hide nor hair of them for some time. As I said, I hadn't been paying attention, but as I thought about it, I realized I hadn't seem them for a while myself. I was pretty sure I'd see ntheir dog out once, maybe twice, but no people coming or going. And that was weird, as the guy was almost always on the front or back porch talking on the phone and smoking. He was always on the phone for some reason. Maybe he worked from home or something, I don't know. I hadn't seen his wife either, and I would usually catch her coming or going from work. And no cars in the driveway, either. Very weird.

So of course I have to start paying more attention. There was always a light on in the living room, the mail was getting in, and Janice said she saw the dog when she stopped by to feed the ctas on Christmas. So somebody had to be home. Then, a couple weeks ago, the guy's truck was in the driveway one evening, and he was either hauling stuff from the truck or loading up his truck with stuff from the house. So...maybe they got divorced/separated and he was getting his stuff? And she's been working more to support her daughter? Or they both work tons now and he was moving stuff? I dunno. I saw his truck again last week, but no sign of any people. Weirdness abounds.

Weirdest yet, though, was what happened this morning. I was heading to the car to drive to work, and I look to my left and see a dog in their backyard. And I stare at it for a few seconds, and realize that it was their dog, completely shaved. Well, not to the skin, but imagine Cousin Itt getting a buzz cut and you get an idea of how weird it was. I mean, we're talking about a dog that has had long, unkempt hair since I was in high school, and now she has the shortest cut imaginable. And a purple bandanna around her neck to boot. I hadn't seen this dog's eyes in a long time, and now there they were, staring right me, and I have to admit, it was kinda creepy.

So the mystery grows.

Two bits.

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