Wednesday, January 11

You Only Live Once

Although it should be noted that some guy in northern South dakota lived twice by mistake. Kinda weird.

Anyways, I noted the concerts for the year (so far) last time, so I might as well look ahead to planned travelling, as I've managed to stumble upon a year where I actually get to go somewhere more exotic than Diane's house (not that I don't enjoy her house, of course).

-A "for the hell of it" trip to Chicago, maybe in mid-May, or there-abouts. Or maybe it's an anniversary trip for me and JK. Either one works. Should I wear my Cardinals jersey?

-A trip to Janice's aunt's house in Wisconsin in early June. I know nothing about WI, save that roof is"reuf"? and rag is "reg." I should bone up on my Coach Z accent, I guess. It'll be fun!

-And a trip to the Ozarks in August (I think). I haven't been to the Ozark area last time I was there. Mom?

So I actually get to visit a new state. The last new state I visited was Georgia, and that's because we lived there. Which I often forget. That was 15 years ago this May when we moved back. I have only vague memories of the town, and I don't recall them being that exciting. That said, if I find myself down that way some time, I wouldn't mind driving through to see what it's like. Maybe I'll do a Georgia-themed post later.

"Georgia on My Mind."

Come on, you know you were thinking it, too.

I actually have enough home-made music now to constitute an album of sorts, so anything new I record will fall to, yes, a second album. Which is a weird thing to think about, since I never had any intention of writing any music when I started lessons way back when. It was simply going to be learn some U2 and Floyd and be happy with that. Weird. I still can't write lyrics to save my life. Well, I can't write anything I want to actually look at three weeks later. The key, maybe, is to write something that isn't limited to a particular mood. That way, it stands up better.

Anyone wanting a copy of what I have recorded is welcome to it.

I haven't "given up" on the Blues, per se, but it's getting harder and harder to muster up any excitement when they play. And I hate that, because I really enjoy the game itself, and woul like to watch more. But a crappy team does wonders for driving the urge down. This might be a prime "otter-tunity" for some River Otters games.

And start an official Spring Training countdown. We're a mere 45 days from the first actual game. Woot.

Tonight is my final soccer game for a while. May marks the end of bowling at Trop. Soccer is being replaced with volleyball, and bowling will turn into dance lessons. Throw in some swimming on Fridays, and I'm gonna be on busy man this year.

So expect my next album not this year.

I don't want to take any chances. We should play in a band, just to be safe.

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