Tuesday, May 2

Into the Blinding Light

I did something tonight I'm not one to usually do. I was at Target, picking up the new Pearl Jam CD, and, since it was only $10, and I had $20 to spend, I decided to randomly pick up another $10 disc from a band I'd never heard of, mostly in an attempt to invigorate my own song writing, which has been a bit stagnant lately. I didn't let myself think too long, for fear of making the decision harder than needed.* In the end, I settled on a band called Thursday, and their album A City By the Light Divided. So far, it's not too bad. Kinda heavy, and a bit different than what I'd normally listen to. Which was the point all along. Plus, the cover reminded me of some recent U2-related artwork, so that helped.

Anyways, on to today's picture, which has a sort of story behind it. I took this at Laumeir Sculpture Park on a fairly warmish day in January waiting for bowling to start. It was, alas, the last time I got to use my little point-and-shoot digital camera. It sort of sat around for awhile afterwards, until the first day of spring, when it snowed about 4 inches. I took it with me to work, in the event something of merit stood out to me. At one point, I stuck it in my coat pocket, only to have it slide out as I was getting in the car and get caught in the middle as I was closing the door. The LCD screen was cracked, rendering the camera quite useless, even though it could still take pictures.

So the pictures from that session shall forever hold a special place in my heart. Or not. Either way, enjoy.


*Okay, I wanted to get out before it got too late. I biked^ over there and didn't want it getting too dark. So basically I was being a bit of a weenie.

^Speaking of: what is it about being on a bike that compels people in cars to yell stupid things at me? Is it the helmet? I know I look good in it, but still, come on.

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