Tuesday, May 23

Midnight Train

One of my favorite pictures of all-time, I think. And, if you believe my dad, a fairly risky picture to be taking. I was working on a final project for one of my classes at Webster, and for some reason, hit on the idea of doing trains. I've always had some weird fascination with them, but for the life of me I can't say why. But they do photograph well. There's a train yard not too far from the house, so I trekked over there and wandered around for a bit, shooting anything that seemed interesting. A couple guys saw me (I think), but they didn't seem to care, so I kept at it. I happened across this box car, back door open, leading to a seemingly endless line of other box cars. Actually, the bulk of the picture is just one car. Very long, those things.

As is often the case when I do something...less than intelligent (i.e. driving from Columbia at night after a show) I made the mistake of telling dad, who informed me how stupid it was to be wandering around in a train yard. As it turns out, he was kinda right. A moving train is actually really quiet. Most of the noise is made when the couplings are squeaking and what not. So a car could have come rolling up behind me and squished me as fast as I squish ants in my kitchen. Oops.

So I put my life on the line for a picture. Worth it, though.


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