Wednesday, May 10

Where's My Thing?

Someone, help me, please: I have the theme song from Inspector gadget stuck in my head*.


Along those same lines: does anyone out there remember Danger Mouse? And, if so, was it any good? I can' seem to remember if I liked it or not.

And, one other item, as a follow-up to last week's lunch-related question: can your food touch on the plate? My dad, for example, will mix and match anything on the plate, so long as it gets where it's going. My uncle, though, caan have nothing touching. I suspect if gravy gets on his corn, it's as good as trashed. I think I fall somewhere in between, maybe leaning more towards my dad, so long as anything touching makes sense to be touching, if you catch my drift.

For pictures, how about a good self portrait. Pics from the Botannical Gardens will arrive once I sift through and find a good one.

I don't like doing straight-up self portraits too often, since I think they tend to look goofy. The ones I like, though, are when some odd in-camera effect is used, or some other strange look is going on. I have two I like using long shutter speeds and messing around with the flash (or a flashlight). This one, though, is a fun reflection from a sculpture at Laumeier. It's from the same session as the hands pic last time. Another glimpse into a camera's last gasp...


*It should be noted that by the time this post was done, the song was out of my head. Thanks anyway, though.

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