Monday, February 27

Supersonic Couch Potato

A few random notes, in no particular order:

-To whoever planned the closing ceremonies of the Olympics: Ricky Martin?

-To The Mouth: nice job.

-To the 'Tones: see above.

-To whoever made the questions at Trinty's trivia last weekend: Grape Nuts are really small and hard to see. Putting them in a bag with other, larger cereals and expecting us to see them is not a good idea. M*A*S*H was a fine show, yes, but an entire category about it? Not so hot. How am I supposed to know what MLB team hat was used as a stand-in for some fictional team? Finally: there has been music made since 1978*. Please try using some of it for your next trivia.

-To my sinuses: no more. Really.**

-To myself: try keeping that extra pair of glasses at your desk in the odd event you need them. Like, maybe you get to work and have to throw away one of your contacts because it's irritating the bejeezus out of you and you gotta throw it away. Only being able to see out of one eye is a bit of a pain.

-To Janice: it's pierce!!!

Get me off the ground, fly me upside down

*Well, I'm pretty sure of that.

** Unless you're doing something useful with it. Clogging me up doesn't count.

Monday, February 20

Boy is it ever Monday.

And I'm at home. All HAIL the three-day weekend! Actually, my being off today has drawn more contempt in my direction than anything else I've ever done. And I didn't even ask for this!* Everyone from my mom to my girlfriend** has expressed their extreme displeasure with my not working today. I think they're just jealous. But, really, I should be jealous of them. I mean, they have a day of stuff planned out, whereas I have to sit around the house all day, not really doing anything, hoping some ray of light will show me the way to my next task. Or something like that.

Olympic-related note number 2: much to my pleasure, I got to watch some curling on Saturday night. Also, to my surprise, there were teams from the U.S. and Japan. For some reason, I figured it was a strictly European game. And, since I've done no research whatsoever on the sport, I still have no clue how scoring works or how the game developed in the first place. My current theory is that it was some physics professor's class experiement that caught on across a campus and soon an entire nation. Then, the world!

I've actually seen every sport I wanted to see now, which makes me happy. Curling, hockey, skeleton, luge, speed skating, and bobsled are much fun to watch.

But I do miss the Blues.

Still: Spring training!

One more sporty thing: ever notice how people play baseball, play basketball, and play volleyball, but we go bowling and fishing? The name is the action in that case. No one plays bowling. I wonder why that is.

I've been messing around with writing songs in something other than 4/4. My recorder will helpfully give me click tracks in variations of 2, 4, and 8 times. So far, I've messed around in 3/4, 5/4, 6/4, and 7/4. I think 3 and 6 are my favorites, but it's still a bit of a struggle to move from one idea to another so far. Once I get and idea down, I'm hesitant*** to move to a new progression, for fear of losing the beat. But I will prevail!

For anyone interested, go buy the new Flecktones album. Good stuff. Every time I start to get into the 'Tones, I get a hair up my butt to go buy a banjo. I'm actually really considering the idea with some merit this time, so we'll see how long that lasts. It'd certainly be something different. The more I think about it, the more exciting it sounds.

Did I mention spring training? The new Cowboy Mouth album?

Just so you don't forget.

living upstairs from the voodoo shoppe

* But far be it from me to complain.

** Actually, that's about it.

*** Alas, No Decemberween presents for me.

Sunday, February 12

Things to make and do.

So your girlfriends gone all weekend on a retreat? And you're bored out of your ever loving mind? Well, just do what I do and fill your night with fun, exciting projects. Iron your shirts! Clean the house! Take a shower! Shave!

I mean, I could have done something really exciting, I suppose, like...mop, or clean the bathroom, but I think I had more fun doing what I did.

I did, however, take time to go spend more than I usually would on a new outfit. Hell, I even tried everything on, which, as some people can attest to, is a major feat in and of itself.

Interesting side note: I started this post around 11:30 this morning, but didn't finish before I went to Mass. So I came home, but had a headache and more or less napped all afternoon before going to Janice's for dinner, and then to the store. So now I'm back to finish.

During the homily, the priest, who's certainly on in years, had to stop to blow his nose or something, and came back to the mic and said "never get old." It was funny, yes, but it's odd, seeing as how he seems to be a fairly lively old dude. So it doesn't seem all that bad. I suppose I'll have to wait until I'm old to find out any problems. And by then, it's too late. Then I can look back at this post and say "damn it, he was right." Assuming I can still see when I'm old. Whenever "old" officially starts. I suppose you're only as old as you let yourself feel, to some extent.

And that's a lot of thinking for a Sunday night.

Quick Olympic-related note: I love the luge. 90 miles an hour: whee!!!

What else, what else...

No, I can't seem to come up with anything else at the moment. So I'ma gonna stop and maybe try cracking one of these songs I've been meaning to record. They are stubborn little buggers.

Bad math proves a point!

Friday, February 10

The day the music died.

Rest in peace, Akira Ifukube.



Monday, February 6

Third and Long

Here's the best thing I learned after Super Bowl Extra-Large* last night: it is the best time to go to the store. Nary a soul in sight, which makes for easy in and easy out.

Something else about the game that Janice and I agreed on: even people who rarely, if ever, watch football, will take in the Super Bowl. Why is that? Is it the ads? The parties, and by default, food and beer? Is it some sense of obligation? I mean, who wants to be the individual come Monday morning who didn't watch the game? You'd have no one to talk to for days, leading to a sense of moral inferiority, and probably from that, severe isolationism and a life of cats and knitting**. No one would call, save for your mom, and people would say "he used to be such a nice, normal young man. Where did we go wrong?"

All because of a stupid football game!

But that's not why I watched it. I already have cats.

Janice made the good point that unlike hockey, baseball, basketball, and curling, the SB is it. No best-of-seven series. You lose and you're out. So there's more drama, such as it is. I don't consider football to be very dramatic, since the game doesn't tend to have much ebb and flow, save for big interceptions and what-not. I guess I have a passing interest in the game itself, because when it's good, it's not all that bad. And, yes, the commercials are usually worth taking a look at.

But that raises another question: when did advertising for the Stupor Bowl get to be such a big deal? And whatever happened to cat herder?


*I realize everyone and their brother has made that joke, but I don't really care.

**And, of course, all your supplies would have to be bought on the black market, via shady yarn distributors on street corners.^

^A reference to a tangental conversation we had during a meeting at work today. Maybe you had to be there.#

#How about my footnote-within a footnote-within a footnote. Cool, huh>

Wednesday, February 1

Mind Over Matter

I know I often say how I'm going to post pictures of something I've been doing at work, but never do. But now I am. I may not work on stuff like this all the time, but when I do, it makes the mundane work I have to do worthwhile.

For anyone interested, it's my little tribute to my favorite graphic designer and tennis freak, Storm Thorgerson. It's a not-so-subtle take-off of his cover for the most recent Cranberries album (that I know of), Wake Up and Smell the Coffee.

As Storm is proud to say most of the time, everything here is real. The 'tree,' sky, and field are from Laumeier Sculpture Park, the bowling ball is Janice's, and the lady...well, she's real. I found her picture online somwhere. Just needed some scale, I suppose.

Everything you know is wrong

Hey Bartender

"tequila shots are dangerous...that's all I have to say about that"


I can't confess to being "in the know" on that one. I had to chicken out on the tequila shots, and, after taking a whiff of the stuff, I might be better off. Anything that smells like it could strip the paint off my walls is automatically banned from my innards. Safety measures, you know.

Or maybe I'm just a big weenie.

But! Janice, being much less of a weenie than I, downed the tequila, thus ensuring her of lots of chances to rub it in my face. So good for her. I imagine turning 21 on a Monday is kinda lame, especially when one has class the next morning, but I think it worked out pretty well, seeing as how Fast Eddie's was wonderfully unpacked, such as it was the last time I was there. And the food was good. And cheap. Yum. 'Twas my first experience as a designated driver (before we left, I said "hey, I'm a driver"), although, given my drinking habits, I'll be designated for life. Which is fine. And I'm totally off my original point of talking about Janice's birthday. These things happen when you're trying to post and work at the same time.

So, to Janice: out of all the people in this world (including, but not limited to Christian Bale) who could have been there for your 21st, I am truly honored that it was me. And remember that Tuesdays are double coupon days!

Happy days are here again: I have a CD player in my car again! Anyone who rides with me enough (Janice), knows I get about the radio. And music in general. And TV. And, well, anything else, I guess. Okay, so I'm kinda, sorta, a lot picky. But I think it's because I really get into anything I enjoy. Which was why radio gets so annoying. There's just so much musical nonsense out there that sifting through it or riding it out for something good gets very annoying after long enough (In my case, that probably lasts about 5 minutes, but anyways.). Now, there are a few good stations out there, and to them, I tip my hat. But a CD player? Mmm, now that's nice. I hate to use the phrase "what I want, when I want," as it sounds kinda snobbish, but you get the idea. It even adds about 27% extra coolness to the overall state of my car.

I've noticed recently how my cars have been getting more...well, they aren't what one would expect of a 20-something male person. First was the '87 Tercel, dubbed "The Elimiator" by me, because it was obviously not going to eliminate much of anything. Then came the '95 Saturn. Four-doors, sedan, etc. Dubbed "The Green Hornet" because it was green. I've since inherited grandma's '95 Chevy Lumina which is even more of a sedan than the saturn, if such a thing is possible. I'm certainly not complaining about having it. I mean, it was free, has 1/3 the miles of the Saturn, and has enough space for all my guitars. But, well, it's...a grandma car. Thankfully, grandma was pretty cool, so it doesn't matter much. And the addition of the aforementioned CD player helps. I do need a name for this car though, if anyone has a good idea.

Quick note to all aspiring sports GMs: trading your leading goal scorers is not a great way to endear yourself to much of anyone, much less prospective buyers of your team.

Quicker note: 2 weeks!

You may not have understood me, but I was speaking technology.