Monday, September 26

Playing with Pink Noise

Bullet-point style post today, I think.

-What's the etymology of 'mnemonic'? My first guess is Latin, but I don't know of too many Latin words that have an 'mn' combo right up front. It's not Polish, since there aren't enough Zs involved. Hmm...

-Turns out it's Greek, actually. I could have searched before that last point, but I wanted an excuse to type 'etymology.'

-Right underneath 'mnemonic' on my search page, though, was this. Please use it in a sentence and then tell me how to pronounce it.

-Speaking of Latin: does anyone not actively teaching or learning latin or involved in science actually speak it?

-I really have a hankering to sit down and make my own crossword for submission to the NY Times. I fear this may send me head-long into the realm of uber-nerd, from which there is no escape. Oh well.

-There's a signed poster from Mary Engelbreit on my desk. I'm not entirely sure what to do with it, since I have no interest in her line of cutsey whatever. The character wearing glasses, but with no visible eyes behind them kinda turns me off. I dunno, maybe I can sell the thing on e-bay.

-Yesterday was close to being one of my favorite days weather-wise. That's the "stereotypical fall day:" cloudy, rainy, cool, but not too cool. Nice for sitting at the table and looking out the window. The only bad thing is that it's not far enough into fall yet and most of the trees still have their leaves. For the day to truly work, the leaves need to be yellowing and on the ground. But we're close.

-U2 is driving me nuts right now, playing really good (and varied) shows, and our show is still 3+ months away. Not fair!

-My growing fascination with hurricanes was only strengthened when I realized they spin counter-clockwise just like the water in the terlet! The opposite for both is true south of the equator.

-Yes, I know that probably seems really silly, but you'll just have to deal with it.

-I am completely out of ammo. That's never happened to me before.*


*That sentence was hard to properly stress.

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