Friday, September 30

Get up baby, get up!

So I'm sitting here, listening to the Cards on KMOX, and I'm getting all choked up. No, I'm not crying over Busch Stadium. I just had some tacky bread dough stuck in the back of my throat and I can't seem to swallow it.

There, that's better.

So yeah. I'm not all that worked up about Busch going the way of Crystal Pepsi. I mean, I'll miss it, but I just don't have any strong bonds with a place. Maybe because I wasn't there more than 5-6 times a year. And, after all, it's just a building. Everyone and their brother around here is calling up their 'favorite memories of Busch,' and I can't seem to come up with any. I was there for the first Interleague series way back when against Cleveland. I was there for Ozzie Smith collector's ball day. I was there for Darryl Kile's memorial service, which was a surreal experience. I was there last year for Game 1 of the NLCS against Houston. Fine moments, all, but nothing that brings a tear to my eye.

And, as I sit here listening to the game, I think what I associate more with memories are the way Mike Shannon calls a game. Yeah, he can go waaaaaaay out there sometimes, but when he's on, he's on, and I don't think you can beat it these days. To wit: Reggie Sanders just hit a double with two on. One run is in, and Pujols is trying to do the same. "Here comes Albert. Here comes the throw. He is...saaaaaaafe!!!" I love the way he calls those plays. And if you've heard enough on KMOX, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. And can probably think of a few more.

So Janice and I are heading to the game tomorrow for A-B employee day. We get to hit the field before the game and do the photo-op/autograph thing. It'll more than likely be my last trip to Busch. Until next season, when I go to...Busch. See? It's not really going anywhere. My cameras are coming with me, so there will be pictures. I'll try and post some of them later on, assuming they don't suck.

I don't get to just "go shoot" much anymore. It's either work for the Journal or library stuff. Weddings too, and a reunion. To my knowledge, the last time I just shot for the sake of shooting was back in April when I was at Diane's. That's way too long. So I need to do that soon. I don't know if baseball games count. They do, in a way, but it's not quite the same as just aimlessly wandering with a camera. I really need to keep one with me at all times, because Lord only knows when an opportunity will present itself.

I loved the weather this week. I've had the windows down since Sunday, and it's been absolutely wonderful outside. It's an extremely pleasant 71 degrees in my house right now. In closing, I love fall.


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