Wednesday, March 30

You Don't Know God From Godzilla!

According to an AP story, someone trying to sneak into a hospital and give Terry Schiavo a glass of water said that as he was being taken away by the police. I can totally see how a giant Japanese monster relates to the situation.

It's the same way I tell people they don't know the difference between firm tofu and cream cheese.

Okay, that was silly. But I think the whols Schiavo situation is getting pretty silly. her parents claim she tried to talk when they removed her tube. Jeb Bush tries to have her removed from the hospital and placed under special care. Shoot, at this point, I almost wouldn't be surprised if Godzilla (or God Himself, for that matter) did show up to end the silliness. I think I just want everyone to let her go. Of course, she is being pretty much starved. Of course, I don't know how much alive she would be if they kept the tube in. A thorny issue to be sure. I can see both sides, and they both have a good case.


So there was some Irish band that kicked off a world tour on Monday. There was some other guy who decided it'd be a good idea to sit near his computer all night and watch the setlist as it was updated one song at a time. Is it dedication or fanaticism? Maybe a bit of both, but it was kinda fun. So the countdown to December is in full swing. I figured out the days at one point, but I don't remember. 260 or something like that, I think.

I actually think I've got less going this week, even though I work everyday. Compare to last week, when I was off 2 1/2 days, and was barely home. No fruit was involved, but I did spend a lot of time at SMDP in the dark. I mean, if I hadn't known any better, I'd have thought they forgot to pay the electric bill. I will say that a mass by candlelight is way cool. Oh, if only I could truly capture in print the wackiness of the dude singing the litany of saints during the Easter Vigil mass. Let this serve as a mere reminder so I can laugh about it later. That Vigil mass was a Power Mass, to boot. Two hours and ten minutes, I think, and it only had 4 of the usual 8 readings. I've been to rock shows shorter than that. If we'd had everything read, the mass would have given a Flecktones show a run for its money. Congress might want to see if anyone from BALCO was around. You get the idea. But it was far from dull.

I butted eggs this weekend. It was...interesting. I shan't go into details, but I'll tell you this: an egg with small stress fractures seems to do a better job absorbing impact than a solid egg. I didn't get to test the theory 100%, but it held up over a few small tests I ran. And do make sure your eggs are hard-boiled.

I actually had a post typed out yesterday, but there was an error while I was loading it. It's just as well, since it was pretty lame, I think. This one? Well, it's not great, but it's got more going for it than anything else I could come up with.

Well, that's simply not true. I have long pants, I wear long pants.

*Isn't it cool how I got through the whole post without a footnote?**

**Well crap.

p.s. For Janice: Whoopty-shit.

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