Tuesday, March 15

Yeah... Coach woulda put me in fourth quarter, we would've been state champions.

I feel I need to make ammends to a long standing policy of mine.

I've oft been heard saying I don't enjoy going to the dentist. This is not entirely accurate. I don't enjoy going to the dentist's office, and allowing the dental hygenist to run iron hooks along my gums and teeth and tell me I haven't been flossing*. Sometimes I wonder if metal hooks in my mouth are such a good idea. But, a visit from the dentist him/herself is not that bad, unless it involves drilling (not too often, thankfully). A quick check of the mouth and I'm on my way. And I imagine he/she gets paid gobs more than the ladies with the iron hook.

You know, "Ladies With the Iron Hook" would be a good name for a rock band.

There, I feel better now. I'm still antsy about this week's impending U2 ticket sale. I'm not overly worried about not getting deats, but you never know. I'd just rather have it over and done with.

I'll be buying six tickets, which works out to a whopping $570 (that's $95 a ticket). Whew. I can't think of any other band I'd spend that on. Maybe the final shows for the 'Tones or CM.

Road work has commenced on New Florissant the past week, and they've taken it upon themselves to tear up the road so the new surface will stick, or something like that. It's really, well, rough. I was coming home from work yesterday, and got stuck behind an SUV of some sort poking along at about 25 mph. Now, I know it's not the sort of surface you want to go over all ablaze, but aren't SUVs supposed to be built for such an environment? What's the point of having something that can handle the rough stetches if you drive it like a ninny? God forbid any dust get on the paint, I guess.

Band scramble, you say? Saturday it was, yes. Fun times were had by all in the band, and we didn't tank. Granted, we did finish last out of last, but there's a train of thought that we lost points because our take on "other" differed from the judges'. They were probably expecting something like flutes, bongoes, keys, spoons, etc. They got dancing. Still, as I said, it was very fun, even if the stage lights were damned toasty. I think I've got an itch to get back on stage, although it might just be something I ate. All the other bands were good, although only a couple made any impression on me, and, of course, they didn't win. Maybe they should have let me judge. No one sucked, and there were few signs that most songs were probably thrown together over a couple weeks or maybe even a few hours. The only give away was probably the song called "Two Week Old Band." You'll get that. There was one guy on jew harp, which was fun...and a bald guy. Tell you what: I'll get some pictures on the web site and let you look at them.

Sa'right? Sa'right.

You think I got where I am today because I dressed like Peter Pan over here?

*Okay, so a lot of the time I haven't been flossing. But she told me that today, and I have been flossing. I wasn't in any postion to argue, because she had her hands in my mouth. Plus, it's probably not a good idea to argue with anyone wielding the aforementioned iron hooks. She might give me a reason to visit the dentist again for a completely different (and more painful) reason.

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