Wednesday, March 2

Not only good, but good for you.

Many thanks to all the submissions for Miss MaxRes 2005. Believe you me, it's been a mind-numbingly difficult process narrowing down the entires to the best of the best. Once the selections are done, though, we can move right along to the next phase of the competition. Next up will be the swimsuit competition, and after that, the--

Oh, wait, sorry. That's...something...else.

No, I have no idea if we have any new Cheeseballs. I am looking forward to judging the new recruits on their bowstaff skills in a life-or-death struggle against a vicous liger (pretty much my favorite animal).

You should see their talons.

Other exciting news:

My band has an official name: Roland Pacific.

No, it doesn't mean anything, and no, I'm not going to divulge its meaning (unless you're Janice). I'm gonna leave it to you to figure out. Or come watch us play next Saturday, assuming you're 21+. That probably eliminates many of the people reading this, but for anyone who can make it, let me know and I'll pass along the details.

Practice #2 was last night, and yielded a second song. I quite like it. It doesn't sound like any classic rock songs I can think of, and it has a sort of punk-y feel to it. There's a nifty rhythm breakdown followed by a guitar solo, so it's all good in my book (coming soon, only $24.95, order now!). Actually, it started as something pretty simple: our drummer told me to pick a chord, then another chord, and I put a nifty rhythm over a drum part he came up with. It's only got about 3 chords (4, actually), but our singer/frontman guy decided that it needs to be more complex to impress the music snobs out there. Now, I'm all for that kinda thing, but in this case, it's not what we need. We don't have a lot of time to be messing with songs, and we're not out to win a record deal or anything. I mean, are there going to be that many "music snobs" at this event? We're playing in a bar, so I imagine the avergae listener isn't going to be listening for complex chord changes. Will judges be impressed by putting a flat 5 on top of a minor third?* Maybe, but I bet we get more points for a good song they can hum back.** Anyways, we'll see. I think we're in good shape, though.

Just noticed at lunch: someone had a steak in the toaster oven. Makes my Chili-Mac seem rather ordinary, doesn't it?

I'm shooting the musical at DeSemt tonight. This is the last show to feature anyone at the school I can say I really "know." And by that, I mean "people who are somehow acquainted with Steve or Janice." Weird, huh?

Anything else worth mentioning? Eh, nothing springs to mind. Starting this post before lunch and finishing it after lunch sort of ruins the train of thought.

Yeah I can play the guitar. I know all about virtuosos...and...trembalos...and arpeggios.

*I have no idea if that would even sound like something worth hearing. It's all I could think of, and I don't have a guitar handy to check it out.

**And that doesn't have to mean "poppy" or "crap," of course. Think 'Smoke on the Water' or '(Don't Fear) the Reaper.'

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