Wednesday, February 23

I totally always look awesome singing backwards metal.

My yet-to-be-named band had its first meeting slash practice last night. I think it went pretty well, although my general not being in a bandness might of clouded any and all shortcomings, although I think not. So there.

We laid the groundwork for one song, which doesn't sound anything like the basic groove to 25 or 6 to 4, and by that, I mean I more or less ripped off the main groove to 25 or 6 to 4.

I hadn't planned on it, though. I just started noodling around on something, the band joined in, and 5 minutes later, I realized what I was playing. Then we all got over it and had a beer. Well, everyone else did. I had a Coke. We did flesh out the crux of the song, and made enough little tweaks to save it from being a total rip-off. More like "homage."

One nice thing I noticed was that we played off each other pretty well. There were few moments of total lossness, and most of those were on my end, because my amp isn't loud enough to get over everyone else.

Anyone have an extra guitar amp?

It's a pretty good group I'm with. I don't think I'd want to spend oodles of time with anyone, but everyone's...pleasant, for lack of a better word. Strangely enough, I'm the only one playing the instrument I'm best at. Our drummer can play just fine, but is more of a guitarist. Our bassist, while being quite good at bass, can play the dulcimer quite well, along with (ta da!) guitar. Our singer guy plays keyboards too, which adds an extra layer of chewy-nougaty-goodness to the proceedings. He definitely looks and acts the part of a frontman (think Ed Roland with some Michael Hutchence and Bono for good measure), which probably helps. He's good at arranging songs, too, although he seems to think faster than he can talk, which confused us at times. Also, I'm apparently his favorite because I'm the quietest or something like that, because it means I'm "probably the best --curse of your choice starting with f-- one here," or words to that effect.

Then there's Ms. Kim. I don't know what she's going to do. She came for about half our practice, and, well, didn't do a lot. Apparently she does ballet, so she might dance or something. I don't know. She might (wo)man the tambourines, or she might sing. She signed up as "other," so your guess is as good as mine.

On another note, I'd like to announce that I'm getting married in June 2007. Follow this logic: Tom got married last June, Edler this June, and Mense next June. Hence, it only makes sense that I go next, right? I'm going to start registering now, I think, and start stocking up on sheets, towels, and kitchen appliances. Plus, I need to call U2 about the reception.

I, for one, vow never to wear anything plaid.

Except my pants. Those are cool. And checkered. Yeah, that's it.

Positate without pizzaz and jam!

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