Monday, February 7

Last Update: 04 Feb 2005

Is it possible to lose your train of thought before you've even started thinking? I don't really think that's fair. Monday, yes, but that's as may be.


I had a shoot for the Journal yesterday morning at one of those non-denominational-type choiches for a story running on choiches using 'nontraditional' methods to attract persons. There wasn't anything terrible revolutionary about the proceedins, save for a couple luckey fellas going up on stage to help the...pastor/speaker/guy/thing prove a point. Otherwise, it was set up a lot like the old days of TFC, but minus the snipers. And, to be honest, it wasn't all that exciting. Granted, I was in Photographer Mode, but I didn't feel terribly compelled one way or the other. I do much prefer your everyday Mass (mine too). It didn't help matters that, save for a couple banners, there was nothing even vaguely church-y to be seen. It could have just as well as been a small theatre.

J and I hit the Galleria Friday night before bowling. We were wandering around Famous and/or Barr because someone wanted to drool over the kitchen appliances before we left. I won't say who, but I hear he make a mean cracker. Anyways, as we were heading up, we passed the girl-type clothing area. My eyes happened across a pink t-shirt with the cover from Mind Over Matter: the Images of Pink Floyd embroidered on it. This upsets me, because some 12-13 year old girl is probably going to buy it because it "looks neat" or some such nonsense, and not have any idea who that band is. It could only get worse if she went up to someone who knew the band, and asked "which one's Pink?" Ick.

Friday night I signed up for a band scramble. Confused? Yes, well you should be. I'd be lying if I said it had something to do with egss and/or cooking, so I won't say that. I will say that it may or may not involve people signing up, being selected at random, and then being placed in a band with other random persons. Said persons than may or may not have 3 weeks to develop 3 original songs and then perform them. Maybe. For all you know, I might be lying again. But if I'm not, it should be fun, unless I get stuck with a group of death-metal types. Or Yanni.

I don't like short posts, but this is going to be a short post, because....


M.C. Hammer?

Horse laxative?

Boston Public?

Not tonight he doesn't... come... in the night... Trogdor.

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