Tuesday, March 8

Sodium Hypercholride

'Tis the name of R.P.'s new song, more or less written by yours truly. I'll take the credit for the main idea, but the structure and bridge belong to our drummer. So we're three practices down, and three songs written, leaving us with two practices to iron out any kinks and play along with words. We've yet to have any lyrics, but I suspect tonight will put an end to that. Practice Sunday was extremely smooth, probably because it was just bass, drums, and guitar. Singer-man was unable to attend due to family issues, and while I was sorry for that, it's hard to overlook how much easier it was for us to play when someone wasn't trying to tweak notes every five minutes. I think we've managed to write three damn good songs. One of them is borderline damn good, if a certain picker can get a decent solo together. Our set isn't until 11 Saturday night, and that's after spending most of the day downtown at the St. Pat's parade. Gonna be a long day. I might need Sunday and Monday to recover.

And then take Monday to contemplate the purchase of.......drum roll.......U2 tickets!


December 14 at Savvis. U2 and...someone or other. it's gonna be good, and I will be there, oh yes. I'm excited to see that all the problems I posted about last time are by and large gone. It seems one Larry Mullen, Jnr. was pretty dismayed at the way things went last time, and he (and maybe the rest of the band) stepped in to fix the problems for fan presales. Good stuff.

Yesterday was a joyous day, if for no other reason, I got my Girlscout cookies. Yum. Six bosex worth, even. It didn't seem like a lot when I bought them, but seeing six boxes all together looked like quite a haul. granted, there aren't that many to a box, but still. I've already had my share of Tag-a-Longs today, and I could easily eat the whole box if I'm not careful. Maybe if I pretend they aren't in my desk drawer they'll just...go away,


"Who wouldn’t want Girl Scout cookies? Communists, maybe. Or people with no souls. You can’t trust a person who doesn’t know a Tagalong from a Samoa."

-Bob Rybarczyk
Makes sense, don't you think?

News flash: "We've got a new bookmobile, and it's going to be in a parade Saturday."

I bought a cool, new movie on Friday night. Perhaps you've heard of it: The Spongebob Squarepants Movie? Yeah, it's good. Gotta love the Hasselhoff.

Baseball back?

If that's not the best thing you've ever seen, done, or eaten, then may I politely ask you to gouge out your eyes, cut out your tongue, and um, have all your done removed.

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