Tuesday, September 28

Tick-a-click-click, boo yah!

I love me them Cheat Commandos.

It's been awfuly quiet around the house the last few days. I finally got my cable disconnected, nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah. Of course, I didn't actually get cut off the day I was cancelled, so I had some time left. The cable guy came on Thursday and grabbed my receiver box, effectively ending my run with Charter. Of course, I might still be getting a feed, but I have no way of knowing.

So it's quiet with no TV going. It's kinda weird, but not that bad. I can still watch movies and such, so I'm not totally cut off from visual stimulation. But I've had cable since about as long as I can remember, so it's odd not having it. Not paying $60 a month makes up for it, though. I just need to call someone to set me up with a dish. Ideally, in time for playoffs (i.e., next week).

Too many bathrooms? Why, you can never have too many bathrooms!

It's true, you know. I have two now, although one is of the "some assembly required" persuasion. But the boxes look nice!

My bedroom is a bathroom. Even my ballroom is a bathroom!

I've told a few people this over the years, but I'm going to tell everyone reading this: I don't get art. Not at all. Photography, fine. I can do that. Even abstract stuff, because it seems (to me anyways) grounded in something. I mean, it might be weird, but there's a tangible object in the picture. It might be shot in a weird way, or have some tricked-out technique applied to it (darkroom or Photoshop), but it's still something I can grasp (see Man Ray or Jerry Uelsmann). But abstract art and I are like...cats and turtles. Natural enemies, and definitely not suitable for marriage. Anyone see that piece at the SLAM that was just broken glass on the floor? What about the deal on the wall that was nothing more than some string wrapped around some pegs? What gives? Am I missing something?

I'm not saying any of it is bad, I just don't get anything out of it. It's just...there. If any of you arty types want to set me straight, please feel free to do so.

Speaking of meanings and such, I'm gonna leave you with some fun lyrics you can run through your head, courtesy of one Paul Hewson.

Lights go down
It's dark, the jungle is
Your head can't rule your heart
A feeling so much stronger
Than a thought
Your eyes are wide
And though your soul
It can't be bought
Your mind can wander


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