Monday, September 13

Oh, what a lucky man he was.

I was sitting at my desk at work today, as I tend to do everyday, when one of the fun folk from circulation came down to grab some paper for a display he was working on. I offered to help, and he said he didn't want to interrupt anything. I told him he wasn't, as I was on break anyways. He was like "are you sure?" I told him yeah, I was just sitting around building calluses on my butt so I could go around being a hard ass.


Saw the monster trucks on Saturday night. It is, taken at face value, and incredibly stupid thing. I mean, guys in 10-12 foot tall trucks jumping over cars is pretty high on the list of stupid guy things, but it's a fun kind of stupid. It was, thankfully, not as goofy as I was thinking it might have been. There were also a lot of local boys with modified trucks racing each other Chicago-style (thick crusts were mercifully left out). Beyond the monsters, the real highlights were the other local boys who took they're somewhat spruced up trucks (read: jalopies) and ran the course. Most of them were, well, not suited to the course, and took quite a beating. One guy split his front axle, and lost a side window. The truck looked as though it was slapped together just to run the course and get trashed, so it's not like he lost anything. And he was having such fun with it, it was hard not to get into it with him. He was truly excited to have his truck trashed. And, to be honest, I think all of us were excited for him. Even mum and Janice had fun (I can't speak for Mike), so it was time well-spent.

One of the perks of getting older, I guess, is the opportunity to wear some really interesting items. We went down to the Loop yesternight for a birthday dinner and a bit of pre-food shopping. Of course, we had to stop by Rag-O-Rama, wear I found some truly unique pants. Nice brown plaid. Hot, or so I was told. Only $7. I was...hesitant, but finally caved under pier pressure. Even found a shirt to match. In all honesty, I kinda like them, but finding the right time to wear 'em will prove difficult.

And they need to be hemmed. Any takers?

One downside of getting older is the somewhat ho-hummness of birthdays. Back in the day, there were parties, lotsa presents, and general mirth all around. Nowadays it's pretty laid back. Get some cards in the mail, maybe the odd gift or two, but it's mostly checks. I think I sorta miss those days. This it not to take anything away from this weekend. I had a fantastic time at mum's hanging out, eating, trucking, and star gazing. Dinner last night was loads of fun. My cufflinks are the hottest accessory this side of Tony Womack. There were a few other little things that I truly enjoyed. Immensely, even.

So it's not worse. Just different.

Ooey. Gooey.

I haven't eaten in awhile. I was going to eat and then post, but got confused. Or distracted.

I have to visit the dentist tomorrow. Of all things in life, having my teeth scraped with an iron hook is one of my least favorite activites. Inhumanly perky dental hygenists are equally scary.

I played basketball with Tom and Co. on Saturday afternoon and remembered why I stopped playing in grade school: I'm really, really not good. Dare I say bad. Ick. But, it was fun, and in the end, 'tis what mattered most. I did bowl well. And I soccered well, as I posted last time. Two sports is enough to be good at. Three would be silly. I mean, who do I think I am, Leon?

I could use a bottle of the 'L Factor.'

Keep an eye on the Archives in Cowtown. I worked up a spiffy banner for the site, and I think it looks really nice, as does the webmaster. We're still tweaking it, so it may not be up for another couple days. But peruse the site, as it's chock full of cool 'Tones' tidbits.

I'm slowly getting back into re-redoing my webpage. I'm going to keep it simple and try my best to update it when I have some new stuff. Third time's a charm, yes?

I'm looking forward to- gasp! -buying a new computer game and video card. I remember waaaaaaaaay back when, when we got the shareware version of Doom for our first computer. It was slow and soundless, but oh my was it fun. It was a real game for the computer. Now it's come full circle: I'm gonna go buy Doom III, and it looks like it'll provide the same experience as the original: lots of fun.

If you give a Dave a cookie, he's going to want a glass of milk to go with it.


Spruce moose on the loose!

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