Friday, September 10

C C B-flat E-flat F-sheerrrp

That's the new song from Joe Satriani, folks. You heard it here first.

Two thoughts I want to pass along, mostly so I don't forget about them later.

a.) I've often wondered, watching hockey, if the goalies get bored when their team is
dominating offensively. What are they thinking about when they stand there watching
their team on the other end of the ice? Well, playing goalie at soccer has given me
some insight on that matter. Our team has stretches of offensive domination, giving
me a chance to stand around. Turns out we don't think about much of anything. It's
hard to really get a good bead on the action from the far end, so it's hard to get
into the game. And I can't recall any concrete thoughts from the course of the
game. So....goalies stand around and just zone out, apparently.

b.) When people drive around blasting music from their cars, why is it almost always
rap? No offense to those who enjoy it (although I don't), but why don't people ever
drive around blasting country? Jazz? Yanni? I try to remedy the situation by
blasting my stereo, but it's hard to get the nuances of a 'Tones song if you aren't
able to give it your full attention. And it's not all that uber-bassy, either. Not
in the same way rap is, at least. Maybe the...musical make-up of rap lends itself
to blasting.

c.) I'm going to see monster trucks tomorrow. I remember the last time I saw them, and
it involves a wonderfully amusing story. But, I'm not going to tell you about that.
I don't feel like it today. I will reminisce a bit. I used to watch monster trucks
and/or tractor pulls every Saturday morning (the RedMan/TNT All-American Pulling
Series). Great times, and one of the highlights of my week. Unless they showed
fishing instead. Not so good. But I'd always tape the trucks, and we had two full
VHS tapes at one point, and they were always good for something to watch. I could
go on, and rant about the state of the sport, but I'll refrain for now. We'll see
if the show tomorrow can live up to how I remember it when I was 7.

Sunday, Sunday, Someday.

let's do this like Brutus,

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