Wednesday, September 22

Knee Deep in the Dead

Every once in awhile, I happen across an interview with someone talking about a sports play that maybe took all of a few seconds but to them seemed like an eternity.

I can finally attest to that: they ain't foolin'.

I found myself in front of the net tonight in soccer with nothing between the goalie and I except for the ball and about 10 feet of empty space. In the two(ish) seconds it took me to cover the ground, endless possibilities ran through my mind, trying to figure out the best approach.

Shoot right off? No, not a good angle.

Work to the left? Okay.

Now what? Keep going.

Turn and shoot? Too late! You went too far, dummy!

Quick! Turn and shoot! Crap! Ball got away...

And about 8,000 calculations in between each move.

I didn't score. Grr.

Things you never want to hear: "yeah, we're going to have to numb you up and drill a little bit." This, of course, is from my dentist, said in the most non-chalant manner possible.

Hooray-a-for me. Nothing better than an 8:00 a.m. appointment with a dentist's drill. Shoot, I'd rather deal with an insurance company.

I don't scare too easily. I get creeped out every so often, but being really scared is a foreign idea to me. Thankfully, I'm in the process of crossing that item off my list, things. Yes. I have a list. So piss off.

Anyways. I bought Doom III on Sunday, and after some minor tweaking to the PC (i.e. new video card {thanks,Dave}), I now have one of the creepiest games ever installed and running smoothly. And it is damn scary stuff. Lighting and sound work together with some truly wonderful visuals for some genuinely good scares.

And that's just in the first couple levels.

I really could go on about other scintillating details about my week, but I can't say I really feel like it. Sew, I think I'ma gonna end this, grab a bite, and maybe get a little scared before bedtime.

Open wide,

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