Sunday, May 30

R U Ready to Rock?!?

So, a quick run-down of the weekend.

Friday night was BOC. Very good show. For a bunch of old farts, they can still play some damn fine tunes. Buck Dharma is, I think, one of the more underrated guitarists in rock then and now. And that's a shame, really. The man is so much more than 'Don't Fear the Reaper.' For anyone out there who's curious, go ahead and pick up one of the early albums (Secret Treaties is a good one), and I guarantee some quality listening. Also, I have to award bonus points to BOC bassist Danny Miranda who put on almost a good a show as the rest of the group.

Oh yeah, and there was the flasher chick. Yeah. Stupid, really. Even stupider when you consider the fact that just off to her right were two kids, probably no more than 9, probably at their first concert ever. Great memories to be sure. Aaaaand there was also the drunk chick on the metro link. No, wait. She was beyond drunk. I'm not sure what the word for it is, but that's what she was. And she had her kid with her, and they got into a mini-argument.

Kid: "Mom, shut up."

Mom: "No, you shut up."

etc, etc.

And there was this gem from some guy with her (husband?) directed to the train driver:

"So, if you were ever held up, do you think you might be...attracted to him?"

And he was sober!


And last night was Cowboy Mouth. I'd been so busy during the week I hadn't had a chance to get excited until yesterday. Mmmm-boy, good times. I rocked more than I had since....well, the last time I saw them. I still think Mississippi Nights is my favorite show, but this was still an excellent show. I think we were probably spoiled after the February shows. But, I think it was offset by the fact that our three virgins had an excellent time. Since they had a good time, that made everything better for me. Oh yeah: Paul has a new guitar. It's very cool.

Did you know it rained this week?

It rained.


My car took a light pelting from some hail, and my basement leaked a bit, but considering how bad some places got hit, I consider myself quite fortunate. Still annoying. But, Steve and I got the gutters cleaned yesterday, just in time for it to rain some more today. Cleaning the gutters is a joy few can truly comprehend, and I'm not one of them. Thankfully, we can use our Super Hose Extension Tube and never go up on the ladder again!!!

I used three exclamation points there, just so you know.

Tomorrow (today?) is my day off work. I intend to use it wisely, i.e. sleep as late as humanly possible.

Um...yeah, that's about it. This week contains no author visits at work, and pretty much nothing whatsoever to do outside of coming home and relaxing. The end. I can't wait.

I'm always leaving but I never go away,

Tuesday, May 25

Forget the mouse, visit the house.


I'd like to thank a few people for my Samurai Penguin: Janice, Steve, Al Gore, Frank, Chris, Mr. Mess, the guy down the street with the dune buggies, Chip, George, mom, Satch, Paul, Griff, Mr. Evans, and Patrick Stewart.

Some will receive more thanks, relative to how much they helped me win the award. You know who you are, and will be thanked accordingly.

It's early, and I'm still tired.

Work will you do that to you, I think.

Case in point: I've had to backspace many times so far, as I've forgot to type entire words as I'm going along. I won't go back and point them out, though, because I've more or less forgot (forgotten?) where they were.

Have I mentioned I'm tired?

Yeah, I know the logical course of action would involve "going to bed sooner," but, I don't, so there. Jeezo, this isn't going anywhere.

Okay. Weekend. I'm happy to report that Janice's training in the ways of MST is nearly complete. One more episode, I think, and it's time for Manos. And we'll see if she wants anything to do with me after that. We also went and visited the world's largest ketchup bottle in Collinsville. There was also the world's smallest bottle of ketchup, so there was a nice balance to our day Sunday. Oh yeah, we also had cheeseburgers. They really hit the spot. Saturday night was the first "in front of a person" performance of Routine 27. I've been told we played well. I think I can live with that. And we got ice cream out of the deal.

Thanks, Janice!


So check out the music for this weekend:

Friday--Blue Oyster Cult
Saturday--Cowboy Mouth
Sunday--Collective Soul


Monday is an off-day, so, I mean, wow. Good stuff coming up. I just have to get through the rest of this week. Tonight is my only "get home at a normal time" night this week, save for Friday. All these blasted authors at work. You'd think it was Get Caught Reading Month or something.


I planted flowers on Saturday in the back yard. Hopefully, I didn't do something that will involve their premature death. So far, so good. It's rained twice, so I haven't had to worry about watering them, and the rabbits haven't bothered them too much, if at all. This weekend: gutters.

Right. Stick a fork in me, I'm done.


Thursday, May 20

Living After Midnight

Rocking, to the dawn.

Mmmm...Judas Priest. Metal, without being too metal, if you catch my drift.

I was about to remind Steve that the Team Fortress Classic lock-in was done around 5, but I just remembered that it actually ran until 7:00.

So nevermind.

An interesting TFC tidbit, though: I used to go out of my way to make sure I wouldn't miss those meetings. Then, one week, we stayed home after spending a day helping some people move (or was it yardwork?). Well, that's as may be, because after we skipped that one week, we never went back.

Weird, huh?

Janice and I visited Steve this evening over at dad's. The dog was on some kind of overdrive, as he would not sit still, no matter what we tried. It's hard to have conversations when there's a large dog trying to give you a bath every 30 seconds. Sometimes, the aloofness of a cat is a good thing.

Speaking of cats, I think the impending Garfield movie is quite unecessary.

And speaking of Janice: we're going to visit the giant catsup (ketchup? catch up?) bottle in Collinsville on Sunday. Why? Well, duh, it's because she got straight A's last semester.

I mean, come on, people.

Steve got straight A's as well, so I'll have to do something nice for him, too. I think he's earned it.

I took a shower this evening, and came out to find my nose peeling from last weekend's sunburn. No one is allowed near me for the next day or so.

So, yeah.

To sum up the post so far: ketchup is a good thing.

Steve and I had a brief conversation the other night about grandpa, and how amusing it would be if he'd been around to start a blog. He used to keep a journal, but it was the most mundane thing ever written by man. Something like this:

7:28 a.m.--ate a bowl of Cheerios

9:52 a.m.--cut the grass

And so on and so forth. That would make for a fun blog, eh?

Well, maybe it's only amusing to me and Steve.

Gramps and I used to go fishing at Truman Park during the summer. We never caught anything, but we still would have a good time. I think, after my trip to Stockton with Michael Joseph, gramps was happier than anyone that I'd actually caught a fish (or two). He was, with good reason, a bit skeptical. Huzzah for cameras. He was far from a big hockey fan, but, since I enjoy it, he'd bring it up every so often, and ask how "your Blues" are doing. They were always mine. I should make some changes on that team...

I had no intention of talking about grandpa when I started typing.

And, as he used to say, it's about that time, so I'm gonna scoot.

that guy from Ipanema,

Monday, May 17

And now, for a limited time: depth!

Whoa, check out all my dimensions!

Yes, reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated. So mom can rest easier now. Being down in the Loop yesterday was definitely better than being dead.

Confused yet?

Allow me to explain.

I know how toast works.

Goodnight, everybody!

.......aaaaaaaaaaaaand I'm back.

Anyways. I had a most fantastic weekend. Wonderful weather, and just good times all around. Probably the best time I've had in a good long while. I also learned an important lesson: sunscreen is your friend. Embrace it. I also picked up three shirts and an excellent jazz record for the low, low price of $40.

For the sake of argument, I'll call the jazz record "Heavy Weather."

There was also the drunk kid being found in the drainage ditch down by the tank at Bangert, the kids throwing huge chunks of bread at ducks at St. Ferdinand, and the World's Best Sandwich. Yummy. There was also a little girl who reminded Janice and I that 'practice makes perfect.' Wise kid, that one.

I also managed to wake up at 5:30 this morning for some reason. I quickly put an end to that nonsense. I did have a weird dream after that, though, involving a church/bowling alley, my 80-200mm lens, Fr. Terry, and a couple other random people who have no real connection to each other.

Yeah, I don't get it either.

In conclusion, I look good in red.

Friday, May 14

The Chords of Life

So here's something I've learned:

There are people in this world, such as myself, who play the guitar.

There are also, as I now know, actual guitar players, such as Joe Satriani.

The man put on an amazing show Wednesday evening, even though it was just him. He had a backing CD of bass, drums, and rhythm guitar. The setlist, for anyone wondering:

Satch Boogie
Flying in a Blue Dream
Summer Song
Always With Me, Always With You
Up in Flames
Hands in the Air

Mostly, it was a clinic to show off some new gear he helped design. But still, it was extremely cool (especially since I was in the second row of seats). I was going to have him sign something, but the line was too long, and I needed to get home and eat before soccer. I think I'll live.

So on said DVD, Joe shares the stage with the uber-talented Steve Vai (dig the triple neck guitar), and one Yngwie Malmsteen. Malmsteen's method of playing seems to be a "let's see how many noted can I cram into one measure." I'll admit I wasn't listening really close, but I can't recall a single actual melody I could hum back. It was just speed, speed, and more speed. And based on his mannerisms on stage, he seems pretty full of himself, when, in my opinion, he doesn't hold a candle to either Joe or Steve, who, from what I can tell, are two of the nicest guys in the world of rock.

In other news: since I overslept today, I skipped breakfast at home and ate here at work, which means I got to resurrect the infamous "DeSmet Breakfast:" one (1) can of Mountain Dew and one package of chocolate frosted donuts. Enjoy in moderation. Yummy. I got fitted for my tux last night. I don't remember any of the numbers, save for my pant size, since I use that myself every so often. I also have no clue what this tux is going to look like. Kinda creepy. Rachel helped Tom pick them out, I'm sure, so the odds of something purple are low, thankfully.

Today is Friday, which means tomorrow is Saturday.

We all know what that means, don't we?

I'm pleased to report the gash on my finger from last week is about 90% healed. Still tricky to do some trickier giutar work, but it shouldn't be too much longer.

I let George outside for a few minutes earlier this week. I think he enjoyed his stroll on the patio, but I was never more than 2 feet away from him. I think I was acting like a parent with a 2-year old. Crazy. Maybe, maybe I'll let Chip out someday. But that's only if I'm feeling really adventerous.

Well, according to the clock on the wall, I should be working. So I'm gonna get to it. And remember: with a Matthew's Clock, you always know what time it is.

your Highway Star,

Tuesday, May 11


Oh, happy days, folks.

What I was considering a damn good week has just got better.

Tomorrow night, Joe Satriani (yes, that) Joe Satriani) is going to be doing an in-store performance and CD signing at Dale's Music. Dale's, for crying out loud!!! And it's free! How cool is that? I am so there.

And I got my bathroom painted last night, finally. Just under two hours. And I now know my the former owners of the home (mom, dad) had wallpaper up in the first place: the walls have about 18,000 holes in them, give or take a few hundred. So I have some work yet to do in there. But, it's painted, which is the big part. It doesn't look quite as good as I'd originally thought, but I think it's mostly because the walls are pretty blank right now. I think I can take care of that.

I find myself with a myriad things to do this week, and just enough time to get them all done. Last night was bathroom work. Tonight involved trips to Walgreens, Dierbergs, Target, and a fun session with my lawn mower. See above for tomorrow night, and then add a soccer game to it for good measure. Thursday and Friday nights will involve a lot of work around the house. Normally, I wouldn't put too much effort into house cleaning over two nights (more likely over a week), but I have good reason this time.

Yes, this Saturday is finally date time. I've been looking forward to this for almost a month now. I usually look forward to dates, but this time, I'm flat-out excited about it, which can only be a good thing. More good things to follow, I'm sure. it's gonna be really, really not bad.

Which is why I have to clean the house. I can't have Janice thinking I'm a slob, now, can I?


I had a most enjoyable weekend in the metropolis that is Charleston, IL. I got to spend quality time with the crazy chunk of the family (good crazy, mind you), drive Aunt Diane's new Fo' Splo', and use my new lens. lenses rock, especially this one. Everyone I made look through it can testify to that.

I also got to meet Leah, which is another good thing. Thankfully, she didn't seem to scared by the combined oddness of myself, Steve, mom, Aunt Diane, and grandma, so she's A-OK in my book.

Not to say that's the only reason, but, well, you know what I mean...

You may notice I didn't use Mike in my above list. Generally, he's not quite as zany as the rest of the family. He tends to save his jokes for just the right moment. And so I'm pleased to award him 57 points for this joke he made Saturday.

Mom and I were gonna hit 5 o'clock mass, and we got to talking about the church in town. The name was St. Charles of Borromeao (spelling may be off), and I was, of course, confused as to just who that guy was, and how it was spelled. Mike, ever the quick wit, came back with something to the effect of "if you want to Borrow Mayo, you go there."

Ha ha!

That Mike...

Alright folks, I think I'm just about done. Lots to look forward to this week, so I'm sure to have lots to talk about, and maybe, if ya'll are lucky, some fun pictures to show.

I'm not coming down,

Thursday, May 6

Give me stitches now or never...

Thankfully, in this case, it's never.

And he just kept yelling, and screaming, and bleeding all over...

I was cutting some stuff today for a display, and proceeded to slice myself pretty good with the Exacto knife. A real gusher. Kinda proud of myself. Three bandaids to cover it up, even. Well, 5, if you count the first two I had to take off, because the blood kept soaking through. So I had to apply more pressure. But, before I had realized it, the blood that soaked through got on my hands, and then on to my pants and the desk next to me. Really, really, fun. So I was thinking of a couple things while I had the paper towel on my finger:

1.) I've got to be more careful. This is the second time in the past week I've done this.
2.) "Yay for Platelets" would be a good name for a band.

I've had worse. You liar!!! Come on, ya pansy!!!

It's terribly inconvenient, this cut. I mean, it's on the middle finger of my left hand, which means playing the guitar is going to be mighty tricky if I want to do anything other than chords. Typing is a bit trickier than usual.

Also, if I don't watch myself, I'm going to flip off a lot people.

But I must persevere! I have a guitar project to work on, and I can type pretty well without that finger. Maybe an open tuning would solve my problems.

Tomorrow is our big World's Fair commemmoration at work. Yours truly will be manning the photo booth, costumed out and everything. We'll be recreating the feel of 1904 as much as we can. You know, just like the digital pictures of 1904....

This weekend I'm going to Aunt Diane's. Huzzah! I haven't been up there since October, and I haven't seen her or Grandma since Christmas. Good times ahead. Plus, I should have my new lens to play with. Mmmm....19-35mm.

Next week is looking pretty good. I have some stuff to shoot at work, soccer returns after a week off, and I should get the bathroom all spruced up.

And it seems like I have something to do next Saturday, but for the life of me, I can't remember what.

Oh yeah, now I remember.

-insert smiley face here-

it's just a flesh wound,

Monday, May 3


Please go here.

I already ordered four of them, myself.

keepin' it fresh,

Ever been to the Dells? Let's ride the ducks!

You know, it's interesting. Reading that last post, I can barely remember any of what the other one was talking about. I have no doubts that everything he said happened, but I have only a vaguest recollections of some of those things happening. Very weird. I can tell you what I had for dinner our first night in Georgia. I can tell you about all sorts of completely obscure, pointless tidbits of information from my life, but i can't tell you anything about that day.

So what does that mean?

I have no idea.

I can tell you though, that for the first time since everything happened, I think all parties are quite happy. Who knew that a dog and a house would make dad so content? Yeah, he probably doesn't have as much control over said dog as he might think sometimes*, but still. He does seem happy, though, and it's nice to go over there and not feel awkward or anything.

So let's see. What else is gnu.

The bathroom wallpaper is down, thank you very much. The backing isn't down, but the actual paper is. So it's a start. I should have the backing down in a couple days, and have myself good to paint by next week. I will have it painted by next weekend. Oh yes, I will.

If'll send Janice over to use the neighbor's bathroom. Yeah, that's the ticket! Good way to kick off a first date, don't you think?

Mmmmmm, first date. Rock on! Only...12 more days (or something like that).

I saw something at mass yesterday I thought was really cool. There was an older couple a couple pews ahead of me, and whenever they were standing, the husband would rest his hand on his wife's. Nothing fancy, just a little symbol of affection. Very nice.

I did some other stuff this weekend, but I don't really feel like posting about it. Maybe some other time.

Sorry to keep everyone hanging, as I'm sure the exploits of my weekend are the high points of everyone else's Mondays. Please feel free to complain, and someone will see to it your message gets to me.


*this, from a guy who is clearly at the mercy of his cats' every whim.