Sunday, November 30

well well well

I think some people have a lot of time on their hands.

I wish I had that much time. Still, I have to agree with everything said below. I've only read the HP series once through, and I'm only through book one of LOtR, but all that seems about right. Even though I read HP a lot quicker than Tolkien, I think I like his stuff a lot more. There's just so much more to it to draw a reader in. The overall scope is just so much more. Epic, if you will, since that's what it is.

I'd say more, but I haven't read it all enough to really go in depth. Suffice to say, "I like it very much."

What else can I say right now? Probably anything I want, but no one would actually read half of what I might post. I have, however, found a probable buyer for my Ric. After 6 months, I just don't play it enough to keep it. So I'm gonna sell it, so I can sell my soul for good, and my journey to the Dark Side will be complete.*

Four day weekends: Thank you sir, may I have another? Back to the salt mines tomorrow.

later days.

*completey gratuitous Star Wars reference from a devoted Trekkie. Now what does that mean?

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