Saturday, November 22


Joe Satriani still rocks, thank you very much.

I actually bowled three games last night, as opposed to only one, which is always a good thing.Now we see if Dave can fit in two Journal shoots and a trivia around painting the kitchen. If it's not this weekend, it may never be done. Well, okay, maybe not forever, but it'll be awhile.

Alas, I have nothing terribly witty to say at the moment. No good quotes or anything like that. I did have a dream that CM was a grocery store, I think, and the first song they played was a Pearl Jam cover. And Fred was way off in the back. But they were maybe gonna play 'Shotgun,' and Griff was pondering letting me play on stage with them. But I somehow went off on a tangent in the dream, and woke up before the show ended.


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