Saturday, November 22

Just because...

I'm a nice guy, I'll give you tomorrow's post today, even though today has only about 10 minutes left. Tomorrow is PAINTING. Yeah, that's the ticket...

Not that I don't enjoy that strange yellowish color in the kitchen right now, but I bought paint, so I may as well use it. It's just home repair around the clock here. Window caulking, painting, the fun never stops!

Althought the cats seem to be wiped out from the fun. You know, all the sleeping they do during the day is rough. And the Blues won! For anyone who cares...

And I have a three-day work week, huzzah.

Does anyone really read this stuff? I mean, besides my partner in crime and maybe a select mother or two. Please, let me know. I'd feel more inclined to post more interesting thoughts if I knew I had to impress someone.

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