Sunday, November 30

well well well

I think some people have a lot of time on their hands.

I wish I had that much time. Still, I have to agree with everything said below. I've only read the HP series once through, and I'm only through book one of LOtR, but all that seems about right. Even though I read HP a lot quicker than Tolkien, I think I like his stuff a lot more. There's just so much more to it to draw a reader in. The overall scope is just so much more. Epic, if you will, since that's what it is.

I'd say more, but I haven't read it all enough to really go in depth. Suffice to say, "I like it very much."

What else can I say right now? Probably anything I want, but no one would actually read half of what I might post. I have, however, found a probable buyer for my Ric. After 6 months, I just don't play it enough to keep it. So I'm gonna sell it, so I can sell my soul for good, and my journey to the Dark Side will be complete.*

Four day weekends: Thank you sir, may I have another? Back to the salt mines tomorrow.

later days.

*completey gratuitous Star Wars reference from a devoted Trekkie. Now what does that mean?

Friday, November 28

What is this new devilry?

It's called 'putting the tree up,' and boy does it work.

Actually, the only really icky part was trying to put the lights around the dumb thing. But, I managed, and I have something that could pass for a nice tree. Just don't look at the back! My only fear is that I've erected the world's largest cat toy. No takers so far, but this thing has at least another month or so to be up, so I shan't hold my breath. I have a Christmas-y house. Now all I need is appropriate music.

Cat is acting very me...rather. help the chair.

Um....that's it. Later days.

Wednesday, November 26


"What a sappy post."


I don't normally do this kind of thing, except for good music, but do yourselves a favor and go see 'Love Actually.' It's actually quite funny, and it's not stupid-romance. Granted, I've not seen many of the romantic-comedy set, but this one was really pretty good. It was British, so that probably means something. And another thing: just how much does Joel Siegel get paid for hid favorable reviews? I mean, the man likes EVERYTHING, even the Cat in the Hat, for which there is no hell foul enough to contain. What, did he sell his soul or something? Or just his integrity? Shoot, maybe he's just really easy to please.

And I'm off tomorrow, today is payday, the Blues won (again), so hey, things are good.

Tuesday, November 25


Check it out:

I'm searchable!!!

Well, duh...

So your play analysis teacher was simply stating what I've know for years, yes?

Ha! Oh my, I kill myself sometimes.

Huh. Well. I just had to take a picture of...well, I'm not sure what it was. It was, as far as I can tell, a picture of a meeting that no one came to, save for the people running it. And this happens every year! But it's some meeting we MUST have, by law.

So there you go. And I think that was the most exciting thing to happen to me so far today.

Being the nerd I am, I got my Super-Special Edition of The Two Towers yesterday. Alas, I probably can't actually watch it until Friday night. Such is life.

Monday, November 24


Thank God!

The kitchen is painted! And it only took me like...7 hours to do everything. How could a room with half the painting area of the living room take so long? I do not want to be anywhere near paint for a very long time. Until I paint the bathroom, of course. It never ends...

So there's no way I can top the lobster story. I did have some odd dreams last night. The most interesting involved myself, apparently as a psycho-killer guy, doing my psycho-killing thing during a board meeting somewhere, THEN setting a bomb in the office, and then high-tailing it outta there. And who would be chasing me down in the end? Dad, of all people. Now what's up with that? It may not seem all that exciting here, but believe you me, when I remembered it after waking up, it was a lot weirder.

Sunday, November 23

well, well, well...

It seems my counterpart has neglected his duties today. So all you loyal readers are stuck with yesterday's news. On behalf of the enire MaxRes staff, I apologize.

A break from the painting. Nowhere nearas annoying as last time, but otherwsie, all goes well. An interesting commercial for WebMD, about how patients can check their status online, or something to that effect. Could you imagine checking it, only you find out you were listed as dead? Bad day, believe you me.

It's cold-wheee!!!!!

It's wet-bleeeaah.

Even as a casual observer of the Rams, I can say beyond a doubt that Marc Bulger needs a break.

Like, now.

Saturday, November 22

Just because...

I'm a nice guy, I'll give you tomorrow's post today, even though today has only about 10 minutes left. Tomorrow is PAINTING. Yeah, that's the ticket...

Not that I don't enjoy that strange yellowish color in the kitchen right now, but I bought paint, so I may as well use it. It's just home repair around the clock here. Window caulking, painting, the fun never stops!

Althought the cats seem to be wiped out from the fun. You know, all the sleeping they do during the day is rough. And the Blues won! For anyone who cares...

And I have a three-day work week, huzzah.

Does anyone really read this stuff? I mean, besides my partner in crime and maybe a select mother or two. Please, let me know. I'd feel more inclined to post more interesting thoughts if I knew I had to impress someone.


Joe Satriani still rocks, thank you very much.

I actually bowled three games last night, as opposed to only one, which is always a good thing.Now we see if Dave can fit in two Journal shoots and a trivia around painting the kitchen. If it's not this weekend, it may never be done. Well, okay, maybe not forever, but it'll be awhile.

Alas, I have nothing terribly witty to say at the moment. No good quotes or anything like that. I did have a dream that CM was a grocery store, I think, and the first song they played was a Pearl Jam cover. And Fred was way off in the back. But they were maybe gonna play 'Shotgun,' and Griff was pondering letting me play on stage with them. But I somehow went off on a tangent in the dream, and woke up before the show ended.


Friday, November 21

Is that a real poncho, or a Sears' poncho?

I suppose that question isn't relevant, but if it was a Sears' home, then that would be something else. How cool was that company? They used to sell pre-cut house KITS! And then they ship everything to you in a railcar? Amazing! Granted, you'd have to put it all together, but still!! It's like the ultimate model! And there's one on the same street as my dad. Named, I swear, the 'Mitchell' style house. Oh how cool. I must go see it.
Yes, it would appear that my partner in crime could do with a mood lifter. Maybe knowing that Mitchell is alive and well, sort of, will be enough. Take heart, um, me hearty, things will get better. I mean hey, only two weeks until the 'Tones!
And CM is gonna be on TV on the 28th! Wheeeee!!!

I should mention that Joe Satriani is extremely amazing. Go buy all his stuff. Right now. Go.

Thursday, November 20



Hurt, pain, and general soreness. But hey, we won, so life is good.

And, well, um, I think that's about it.

23 ski-doo!

Wednesday, November 19

And Another Thing...

Did I mention Rush?


Well let me mention it: Rush. Good stuff.
I love St. Louis weather: 65 Sunday, and 35 on Monday with a bit of snow. And then...well, who knows, so long as it's cold.

Cecil Frasney

Do you know who did it?

Have you figured it out yet?

More quote goodness:

"Excellent, how about some push-ups?"

"How many, sir?"

"I'll let you know!"

Hrm. Should our posts correspond with each other, or is this total, um, Disconnected-ness, a good thing? Oh well. I'm sure Al Gore will let me know if I'm doing something wrong. I have an official Flecktones convert now, so life is good. And my carpet is significantly less wet.


Um. Music. Metallica-St. Anger and Michelle Branch-Spirit Room, along with healthy doses of Green Day and a smattering of U2 for good measure.

Tuesday, November 18


Soggy basements. Oh goody.

Monday, November 17

From Rugrats:

"What's to know? It's a cat! Just feed it and leave it alone!"

That's not too far off...
it seems I have a companion poster on this thing.

That means twice as much nonsense who may actually be reading this.

But for all my loyal readers, expect the same high quality mental meanderings as before.

Sunday, November 16


I remembered I have this thing. Almost a week since I did anything.

A few thoughts from the boiler room:

I now HATE the phrase "the holidays." It doesn't mean a damn thing to anyone except businesses trying to sell uselass crap. Happy Holidays from Verizon my ass. Just say you want me to buy your phones. Much easier. And, they aren't trying to fool us into thinking their ads have ANYTHING to do with Christmas.

What happened to KSHE? It seems like it used to be so much better. I know i don't listen to it all the time, but after 3 days of pretty solid listening, I'm a bit let down. It's like 'the Led Zeppelin station,' with a bunch of crappy new bands and some other classic stuff thrown in for good measure. Ho-hum.

And what else...

Oh yeah, not talking about something makes it go away!!! Right on!

Never leave wet paint near a furnace.

And, of course, never eat raspberries.

Monday, November 10

Dear lord....

Why is it that the people highest in the ranks are the ones with no clue? The esteemed Mr. Wilson has decided that storing pictures in photo pages in binders is stupid, and we should instead, keep them in the boxes we get after we pick them up from the processing place. Yeah. That's gonna work just lovely. How about we just leave the negs out on the floor for people to walk on next?

Thankfully, no one I'm aware of thinks too highly of him or the idea.
Gaaah, don't go see Matrix Revolutions unless you MUST know how it ends. I mean, it was better than Wing Commander, but I think I'd rather go watch one of the lesser Godzilla movies.

And please, someone stop Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich from making movies. It's for the good of everyone.

Today's post is dedicated to Chuck the snake, who I almost chopped up yesterday, but was gracious enough to pose for some pictures. Stay warm, chief.

I was told last night I was noble, which seems pretty cool. And this came from a mom-aged-type person, so I think I can take that to mean something. And hey, work gossip can be sort of fun. If done properly, of course.

And to work I go. Hi-ho.

Friday, November 7

Whoa. I didn't post yesterday. I do hope all (one) of you managed to maintain composure.

Cold. It's damn cold out there. I like cold, but it's no good for picture-taking. It's either keep hands warm and fumble with the camera, or get good shots at the expense of your extremities.

I hate people who ask me if I'm "getting any good shots." I'm also not fond of any silly highschoolers who rather stupidly yell "hey, take my picture." Right. Like I'm going to waste perfectly good silver halide on you guys. Next, please.

Cold. And I have to do yard work tomorrow. Ugh. And hope dad isn't in one of those moods. And do two shoots. And have dinner with mom. And play trivia. Whew.

Wednesday, November 5

I wonder if it's asking too much of the world to have computers understand each other. I mean, why on earth should I have to make separate CDs, just so the precious Macs can read files I made on my computer at home? And damn it, I miss by right click!

If I didn't have to use a Mac everyday, I'd probably go on more of a tirade.

Is it worth $85 to see Cowboy Mouth in Chicago New Years Eve? Yes, I spent that much twice on U2, but that was before all this house payment/bill nonsense. But, it's CM! On New Year's Eve!


Tuesday, November 4

You know what's really not cool? When an author visits a library, and 87.5% of the people who show up are library staff. Ick.

On the bright side...we're less than a month away from a Flecktones concert, and only a week or so from a Dash Rip Rock show, which I suppose is a good thing.

Mmm-hmm. Yep. Lovin' it.

Monday, November 3

Hrm....I have 8 hours a day here at work, so I imagine I'll be making a lot of random comments. For all you out there (that would be one person right now), that may be good or bad, I don't know.

I love the irony here: the place that bills itself as the "professional photo place" is probably the furthest from. I mean come on, a week to get roll of black and white film processed? Should have done it myself.

Yep, they call me the workin' man. I guess that's what I am.
Time to work....bah. I think I need more 3 1/2 day weekends. Like, oh, I don't know....every other week or something. Yeah, that would be good.

Sunday, November 2

Oh yeah. Now I got me one of these online thought page thingies. Be prepapred for.....things!!!