Wednesday, March 7



Been a bit longer since my last post than I've planned. I've attempted a couple posts lately, but got bored and decided against it. So there you go.

For those interested, I did finish the RPM challenge. I did one more song Sunday night, and another on Monday, capping off far more recording than one should undertake in a four-day span. The nice thing, though, is that I actually have an album, as opposed to 10-12 songs recorded over a long time. So it sounds really cohesive. And yay for that.

The website is finally redone. I need to add a couple things, but all the images are up, and it's made in a way I can easily add/remove content. Sweet.

Picked up a wedding to shoot in July, I think, assuming someone not the dad gets back to me. And I get to travel to Paducah! Oooooo.

Portrait shoot for Lindenwood this Friday, which means I've got a medium format camera at my disposal. Kick. Ass.

Working on my second crossword puzzle right now, with a theme even stupider than my last one. But I think it's a good stupid, if such a thing exists.

My upgrade to Vista arrived today. We'll see what all the hoo-ha (good and bad) is about as soon as I get it installed.

I saw a guy wearing a blazer/dress shirt combo with red shorts and loafers with no socks at the store today. A very large part of my soul died with it. Ick. Bleah. Etc etc.

I think it bugs me when people say "eck cetera." Nonono. It's just "et," folks. Thanks.

If I can get around to it, I might try something interesting (to me, at least), 'round these parts in the next day or so. We shall see.


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