Sunday, February 25

I've Got the Music in Me!

Those who frequent this bit of web space (anyone?), may recall my blurb about the RPM Challenge, which I signed up for a few weeks ago. At the time, 10 songs seemed like nothing. I had plenty of time! And I came up with a few little ideas/chord changes/etc. and put them on my recorder. Then they sat around for awhile, and it was looking like I was going to run out of time. I figured at the very least, I'd have some new stuff to work on when the time was right. Then the RPM folks sent out an e-mail with a blog post from someone else doing the challenge, basically saying not to give up. So I said to myself, "Self, let's do this. We've got an entire weekend free, so let's make the most of it."

And we did. Just 10 minuted ago I wrapped up my eighth song since Friday night. Six totally new tunes and two old chord changes that were never fully realized. So now I'm two songs away with a few days to go. As luck would have it, I'm going into work at 12:45 on Tuesday, so I'll have time tomorrow night. It's surprised me how fast I've managed to crank these out. They aren't my best tunes, but they hold their own with anything else I've recorded. It's been fun, though I don't want to wait so long next time.

I also took some time to revamp the 'ol website this weekend. It's not totally done--there's something I need some help with regarding the links, and if you happen to be looking at the site at anything larger than 1024x768, it may looks kinda funky. So I need to work on that. But those are pretty minor issues, I think, so I should be good to go by next weekend, which, as luck would have it, is another open weekend.

Anything else?

If there is, I can't think of it. My brain is pretty fried right now.


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