Sunday, February 18

Leavin' Here

I don't know if this happens to everyone, but it seems like it can be easy to get comfortable in your current situation. In this case, spend long enough at a job, and you can get used to things. Complacent, maybe. Steady pay, and a fair amount of creative freedom, so why bother leaving? But I think I've hit a point at the Library where I can't really go any further than I already have, creatively speaking. I've explored the subtle nuances of author pictures about as far as I can.

All of this disjointed rambling is basically my way of saying it's time to move on, career-wise. Otherwise, I might be stuck at the library forever.

Way back when, when I was applying for jobs, I said I wouldn't move because I couldn't afford. But last week, coming home from soccer, I hit upon an idea: what if I found a job in some other city and then moved? Then I could afford it. Brilliant!

And the more I thought about it, the more interesting the idea sounded. Exciting, even.

As was pointed out, I've never been much of a roamer, opting to stay in town for college, and what-not. But as was also pointed out, I'm not really tied down by anything, so if I'm going to go, now's as good a time as any. And I think I'd really like to give it a try. As was also also pointed out, I can always come back if it doesn't work out.

SO where to go? When to go?

Well a lot of the where comes down to where the jobs are, assuming I can find something newspaper-y. I doubt I have enough experience to get on with a big daily, but I'm open to starting somewhere small and working up. So I'll look around and see what I can find. As for when, not until next year at the earliest. Too many commitments right now to just up and go. And it'll give me a chance to scout around.

And hey, all this home improvement should make selling the house easier, eh?

So there you go, if you didn't know already.

It is, of course, possible that I'll find something here, or come up with some reason to stay. So this isn't set in stone. Something slightly less firm.


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