Saturday, February 10

You Gotta Roll With It

I'm updating via laptop tonight, for those interested. I should be doing this from the donut shop, but I figured the donut place wouldn't have wifi, so I opted to bring my donuts home. So, naturally, Old Town Donuts has wifi. Noted for next time.

RPM update: I have 4 chord changes put down in the recorder waiting for me to flesh them out. Not bad, really, so hopefully I can keep up the pace. I may just be in one of my creative moods, and if so, the timing is really good.

Food update: I had my first experience with sushi last night. And the verdict? I didn't not like it, for whatever sense that makes. I had a spicy tuna roll, which, sadly, had the distinction of being not spicy at all. I also had a yellow fin(?), which wasn't a roll, just a slice of fish on a bed of rice. That was quite tasty. I also had some miso soup, also good, and some tempura, which was also good. One item ordered, which I passed on, was, I think, some kinda shrimp with all the legs still attached. I had to pass on something similar in France, when the shrimp still had its eye attached. Yum.

Major life decision update: well, let me dwell on that one a bit more and I'll let you all know. But it promises to be exciting if I go through with it.

I also plan to get back in the habit of posting pictures here every so often, so, you know, if you're into that kind of thing, stay tuned.


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