Wednesday, February 7

Let the Music Play

I came across an interesting competition of sorts yesterday whilst perusing this great internet thing. It's called the RPM Challenge, and the idea is to record either 10 songs or 35 minutes of total music over the month of February. The record and mail in a CD. From there? I don't know, actually. I don't recall the specs on that part. Or maybe I didn't read it. Either way, it sounded fun, and it seemed like a good way to get some new music written in a hurry. True I missed a few days, but I should have time. I came up with something last night, so it'sa good start. I did some jamming with Andrew last night and once we got going, we came up with some cool ideas. Nothing I remember, but it'sa good sign that the creative juices ae still flowing. So we'll see how this goes.

And after seeing Flecktones show number 7 Monday night (excellent, as always), my summer plans are starting to fall into place. The TABBBQ is June 23 in K-Ville, MO. So what I figure I can do is go up that weekend, then make my yearly off-week the last week of June, and go to Chi-Town to see the 'Tones again on June 28. Seems like a solid deal. Get a mini-vacation and a concert in all at once. That may wind up effectively ending my Memphis plans, but you never know. For now, I'd rather go see the 'Tones. So I should probably start planning that and see who may or may not want to go.

Anything else new?

Well, we're rebranding ourselves here at ye olde Library, which means new logo, slogan, etc. Of course, the two are being worked on independently right now. So my logo ideas may have nothing to do with any slogan we choose. Which makes sense, you know. Anywho, we've been brainstorming to some extent down here in Communications, tossing out anything that pops into our head, in case it leads to something really good. Alas, it's been slim pickings in my head, as I've not come up with much of anything. Unless you count "Baby Got Books" as a valid suggestion.

Yeah, neither do I.


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