Friday, March 30

Say What?

Did you know the Gooch has a website?

Alas, it's all in Japanese, and I didn't learn enough to translate the kanji on his site. So I let Babelfish do it for me. From this: 田口選手のセントルイスカージナルスがワールドシリーズを制しました。それに伴い、今夜は帰宅がおそくなるため、試合後の電話取材によるコメントをお伝えします。

「まずは何よりも、ここまで僕らを盛り立ててくださったファンの皆さんに感謝します。今夜はまだ家に帰れず、メールを書ける状態ではないので、明日改めて、ご報告させていただきます。応援本当にありがとうございました」 ,

we get this:

セントルイスカージナルス of Taguchi player controlled the world series. Attendant upon that, tonight because returning home becomes slow, conveys the comment with the telephone collection of data after the playing. "You pile up me first what compared to, to here and you appreciate in everyone of the fan raising. Tonight because it is not in a state where the mail can be written not be able to return to the house yet, tomorrow again, you report. Support thank you truly

That's right, folks. So Taguchi controlled the World Series. And I can't come up with anything else very witty on this. But it's darn funny trying to make sense of all that.

Tomorrow again, I report.

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