Wednesday, January 25

I'm a doctor, okay? I know science.

So here's the deal: if you're going to be spouting off scientific "facts" on your afternoon talk show, please be sure you have some idea of what you're talking about. Case in point: while flipping through stations yesterday (less than a week until CD player installation!), I happened across one Dave Glover, whose show airs on 97.1: Younger. Smarter. Better. Than what? A can of creamed corn? Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo? Ricki Lake reruns? Regardless, they had, I believe, some science-y guy on, and had people call in with various questions.I suspect they were talking about the effects people are having on the environment and what is happening to animals as a result. All fine and dandy, but then the esteemed Mr. Glover goes on about how the whale shark, which is the "largest animal on earth" has been betting smaller. Um, no. The blue whale, which has been known to grow to almost 100 ft. is the largest known animal on earth. The whale shark, while being the biggest fish usually tops out around 50 ft. or so, as far as I can remember. But I think lengths of 30-35 ft. are the norm. Then they start talking about Loch Ness, and what may or may not be living in it (remember; science!). The start talking about whether or not a lake that size could support any sort of large-type water critter. I remain open to the possibility that there might be something in the lake, but that's as may be. Our host starts talking about how if whatever the creature is is a plesiosaur, people would see it, because it has to come up for air (true) because....oh God, save's a mammal. No, A thousand times no. Plesiosaurs and the like (dinosaurs, etc.) were all reptiles. Dinosaur means, in Latin, "terrible lizard." I'm willing to bet that a large number of 6-year old boys could tell you that.

At that point, I had to change the station before I ripped my radio out. I'm sorry for this completely nerdified rant, but I had to get it off my chest. If Mr. Glover wants to talk science, fine, but he should make sure he "gets it" before going on any further.

Off-topic: does anyone out there enjoy doing Sudoku? For the life of me, I can't get a good method to complete it. But I will overcome it, for I am good and the Mads are evil!

Or, something like that.

It's nym! It's nym! It's pseudonym! Not pseudo-name! I can't take it any more! Nym nym nym! It's a Greek word for "name"! Pseudonym! Pseudonym!

Monday, January 23

I Dreamt I Slept

Meh. It seems that no matter how much sleep I get, it's still hard to wake up for work in the morning. I blame my electric blanket making my bed all warm and inviting-like. The nerve!

No real content to post, but a few things worthy of bullet-points.

-I just noticed our new description thingy on the side bar. Did you?
-I want to meet the fifth person in those commercials where "4 out of 5 people" recommend something for something.
What's their deal, anyways?
-Chuck Norris. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
-Let it be known that this blog wishes happy 21st birthday wishes to Fric and Frac (Fríc and Fräc to our European friends).
-I bought tickets to a Flecktones show. And I get to road trip to see them. Life is good.
-When did it become acceptable for cats to chew my hair in the morning? I mean, really, what gives? Have you been
-A recent radio ad for a local car dealer, Dean Volkswagen, I think, is using a piece of techno-y music that sounds
awfully similar to the Cowboy Mouth classic, thatswhatimtalkinabout.

That's all I got.

Thursday, January 12

Shave and a Haircut

A few weeks ago, my neighbors across the street, probably the only people I live near I really talk to with any frequency, left a message at home concerning the folks who live next to me (not Silly Fountain Guy). I hadn't really noticed, but apparently, they hadn't seen hide nor hair of them for some time. As I said, I hadn't been paying attention, but as I thought about it, I realized I hadn't seem them for a while myself. I was pretty sure I'd see ntheir dog out once, maybe twice, but no people coming or going. And that was weird, as the guy was almost always on the front or back porch talking on the phone and smoking. He was always on the phone for some reason. Maybe he worked from home or something, I don't know. I hadn't seen his wife either, and I would usually catch her coming or going from work. And no cars in the driveway, either. Very weird.

So of course I have to start paying more attention. There was always a light on in the living room, the mail was getting in, and Janice said she saw the dog when she stopped by to feed the ctas on Christmas. So somebody had to be home. Then, a couple weeks ago, the guy's truck was in the driveway one evening, and he was either hauling stuff from the truck or loading up his truck with stuff from the house. So...maybe they got divorced/separated and he was getting his stuff? And she's been working more to support her daughter? Or they both work tons now and he was moving stuff? I dunno. I saw his truck again last week, but no sign of any people. Weirdness abounds.

Weirdest yet, though, was what happened this morning. I was heading to the car to drive to work, and I look to my left and see a dog in their backyard. And I stare at it for a few seconds, and realize that it was their dog, completely shaved. Well, not to the skin, but imagine Cousin Itt getting a buzz cut and you get an idea of how weird it was. I mean, we're talking about a dog that has had long, unkempt hair since I was in high school, and now she has the shortest cut imaginable. And a purple bandanna around her neck to boot. I hadn't seen this dog's eyes in a long time, and now there they were, staring right me, and I have to admit, it was kinda creepy.

So the mystery grows.

Two bits.

Wednesday, January 11

You Only Live Once

Although it should be noted that some guy in northern South dakota lived twice by mistake. Kinda weird.

Anyways, I noted the concerts for the year (so far) last time, so I might as well look ahead to planned travelling, as I've managed to stumble upon a year where I actually get to go somewhere more exotic than Diane's house (not that I don't enjoy her house, of course).

-A "for the hell of it" trip to Chicago, maybe in mid-May, or there-abouts. Or maybe it's an anniversary trip for me and JK. Either one works. Should I wear my Cardinals jersey?

-A trip to Janice's aunt's house in Wisconsin in early June. I know nothing about WI, save that roof is"reuf"? and rag is "reg." I should bone up on my Coach Z accent, I guess. It'll be fun!

-And a trip to the Ozarks in August (I think). I haven't been to the Ozark area last time I was there. Mom?

So I actually get to visit a new state. The last new state I visited was Georgia, and that's because we lived there. Which I often forget. That was 15 years ago this May when we moved back. I have only vague memories of the town, and I don't recall them being that exciting. That said, if I find myself down that way some time, I wouldn't mind driving through to see what it's like. Maybe I'll do a Georgia-themed post later.

"Georgia on My Mind."

Come on, you know you were thinking it, too.

I actually have enough home-made music now to constitute an album of sorts, so anything new I record will fall to, yes, a second album. Which is a weird thing to think about, since I never had any intention of writing any music when I started lessons way back when. It was simply going to be learn some U2 and Floyd and be happy with that. Weird. I still can't write lyrics to save my life. Well, I can't write anything I want to actually look at three weeks later. The key, maybe, is to write something that isn't limited to a particular mood. That way, it stands up better.

Anyone wanting a copy of what I have recorded is welcome to it.

I haven't "given up" on the Blues, per se, but it's getting harder and harder to muster up any excitement when they play. And I hate that, because I really enjoy the game itself, and woul like to watch more. But a crappy team does wonders for driving the urge down. This might be a prime "otter-tunity" for some River Otters games.

And start an official Spring Training countdown. We're a mere 45 days from the first actual game. Woot.

Tonight is my final soccer game for a while. May marks the end of bowling at Trop. Soccer is being replaced with volleyball, and bowling will turn into dance lessons. Throw in some swimming on Fridays, and I'm gonna be on busy man this year.

So expect my next album not this year.

I don't want to take any chances. We should play in a band, just to be safe.

Thursday, January 5

Return of the Mudslingers


After a year off doing, well, whatever musical geniuses (genii?) do when not touring, they are coming back to us once again with new music and a new tour. Perhaps you've forgotten them?

-A being from the year 2050 wielding the mighty synth-axe drumitar.
-A bass player who plays so much bass guitar they use all three of his names.
-A one-man horn section who likes wearing his hair upside-down.
-Some guy on banjo who's so good, they named the band after him.

Mmmm. The Flecktones are back with new music and, even better, a new tour. Not to slight the album, of course, but I like seeing the band in person more than listening to them on CD. What makes the tour really cool is getting to see them on back-to-back nights in KC and STL in a couple months. A week earlier, Cowboy Mouth will be in town supporting their new album. And, a few short weeks after the 'Tones shows, Blue Öyster Cult will be in town for a couple shows. No new music to support in their case, just a bunch of old farts playing loud rock 'n roll. The fun thing about a BOC show is that I'm usually the youngest in a crowd of guys in their 40s. Whoo! However, if Janice comes, I'll have someone younger than me for a change.

So March/April are shaping up to be good music months. February, too, since the new 'Tones and CM albums come out on consecutive weeks.

Also just a few weeks away: pitchers and catchers report to Florida or wherever for Spring Training. After a dismal Rams', and a pretty ho-hum Blues team, it'll be nice to have baseball back once again. Shoot, I might even be able to get excited about Larry Bigbie. Went downtown last week for a SLU Billikins game at Savvis, and caught a glimpse of where Busch used to be, and where it is now, if you catch my drift. I hadn't seen old Busch since the end of last season, so seeing a bunch of nothing where it should be was pretty weird. New pictures of construction show the infield beginning to take shape at Busch II, which made me smile. It's looking like a pretty snazzy joint. Although traffic on 40 should be extra-careful on game nights, just in case.

Yeah, early ought-six is looking pretty good. On the horizon, my car insurance will go down in September, janice goes legal later this month, and I'm going to try my hand at growing some veggies in my yard.

Good times a-comin'.