Tuesday, July 26

Oh, yeah! That definitely deserves a record!

And, for as hot as it's been, it's still not a record. The record is somewhere around 111, I think, which must have been sort of unpleasant, what with the heat index and all the extras they like to factor into the weather these days.

"And with the heat index, local property tax rates, and the position of Uranus, today's high is somewhere between 97 and 130."

Shut up. It's early, I don't have to be that funny.

I guess working in a basement has its advantages, when one doesn't have to spend too long out in The Heat. But, I sometimes woulnd't mind, so long as it meant not havig to spend all day in said basement with no windows to the outside world and dull flourescent lighting instead. I do have a nice little fan next to my desk to simulate a breeze though, so it's a start.

Off topic, but no less interesting:

-I heard a story on NPR this morning about an 81-year old lady who sits in a park in Paris with a sign that says "talk to me," or words to that effect. And people will come up to her and start talking with her and each other. I think that's cool. And if people think she's a bit nutty? Well, she said the world is crazy enough already, and so she conisders it a compliment to be called such. I don't remember the exact quote, but it was kinda funny.

-I'm all signed up for the band scramble. August 27 now, so all you 21+ types can come watch. So out of our readership, I think that means you, mom.

-New Strongbad DVD. Woot.

-I have no idea who's on the ten dollar bill. Someone should give me one.

buttdance again, like the rhythm's down your pants now,

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