Friday, May 20

On the road again, again.

As much as I often will complain about radio around here, specifically KSHE, I will admit that every so often, they do something really cool. Last month, not too long aftet Easter, maybe, KSHE did one of its very cool no-repeat weeks. Two wonderful bonuses from this: 1.) it cuts down on the amout of crap like Nickelback and Creed I have to here, and 2.) I might actually get to listen to some cool new song I might only get to hear at obscure times or special programming on when I'm at work or asleep (i.e. the Sunday morning Classics show). Such was the case on the way home from bowling one evening when I heard a song with a nice funky/'70s rock feel to it. The riff was not unlike "Play that Funky Music White Boy." And, of course, because I really wanted to know who wrote it, they didn't tell me who it was by. Natch. So I had made myself remember a lyrical bit just in case that happened. Otherwise, I would have had to call in and ask what song they played at X:00, just after "Plush" and hope they knew.

My effort to remember paid off, and I was able to track down the song, "Remember the Good Times," and the band, Paice Ashton Lord (PAL), a side-project for Ian Paice and John Lord of Deep Purple fame, and...someone Ashton (Tony, maybe), of some other fame. I was also lucky to nab a copy of the CD last weekend at a used CD place. A very good album, although it was the only album they released. So, 10 points to KSHE for that.

But how did Janice and Steve know the song from somewhere or other when I'd never heard it before? Some classic rock fan I turned out to be. Sheesh.

The Point also has a nice feature every Wednesday when they play some early/mid-nineties stuff for a few hours in the evening. A lot of "I remember that song kinda stuff. Not without its share of clunkers, though. This week I had the misfortune of hearing "You Make Me Feel Like a Whore" by Everclear. Mmm. Wonderful title, that. And even if the lyrics weren't lame, the song features what may be one of the worst solo-type things I've heard in a rock song (and I'm counting my songs). It seemed out of sync with the rest of the song and even a little out of key. Bleah. One thing about Everclear I don't like is that all their songs more or less sound the same. They just sound like and Everclear song, and to me, 'tis not a good thing.

On the music horizon:

-Cowboy Mouth concert
-Eric Johnson concert
-new Foo Fighters
-new Audioslave
-new Nickel Creek
-only 7 months til U2

Things are lookin' up.

This is your most ambitious album to date!

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