Thursday, May 26

25 years of service, and what do I get? A clock?!?!

I don't give much of a hoot about 'American Idol.' Less than a hoot, really. Maybe an "ot," but even that is pushing it. I can't really use just one letter, as it wouldn't make much sense. So "ot" it is. But I have happened across one bit of news concerning said show that is so...perfect, I must report it to you, my readers. I get periodic e-mails from my friends at Ticketmaster ("A Lifetime of 'Convenience' Charges or Your Soul: Your Choice") telling me about shows I shouldn't miss. Usually (always) nonsense, because I either don't care about the bands, or I've already got tickets. I'm pretty sure the e-mail about U2 came out a few days after tickets went on sale, which, in that case, meant almost all were gone. But I digress. Last week, I got an e-mail about the upcoming 'American Idol' tour, with all the poor souls who didn't make it to the end. I don't pretend to know who they are, save for Ozzie Smith's son. Anywho, said "tour" is sponsored by....


Moving on.

I was trying to remember when I first saw 'Star Wars.' I couldn't remember, but I do know that the original three (the first will always be 'Star Wars' to me. Not Episode IV, not 'A New Hope.') are quite enjoyable. I saw Episode I when it came out, and haven't seen it since. I don't recall being too enthralled by it, although I do have a Darth Maul action figure in my room. He was cool. I never bothered with Episode II until Sunday, when it was on TV and I caught the last half or so of it. I think I was just as well skipping it. I didn't catch much of the much bally-hooed awful dialogue, but the effects were oddly not all that hot, considering ILM is supposed to be so high-end. Considering how well the effects were in, say, Fellowship of the Ring, it's sorta weird. Plus, I never really cared about what was happening to anyone on screen. When Jango Fett got his head lopped off (what is it with Lucas and dismemberment?), right in front of his son, the scene got no more emotional impact then when some big alien critters got killed. Consdering Boba Fett is a reasonably big player later on, wouldn't it make more sense to give the scene, which presumably fuels his drive later on, more screen time?

So now I have to figure out if I want to see Episode III. I might, eventually, but I'm in no hurry. I've got my fill of it from the God-awful commercials lately. That Burger King spot with Darth vader staring down that hideous statue of a king is funny once, then sort of creepy every time after. All these dumb commercials seem to cut down on the movie's integrity. For me, at least. I will admit to almost buying a Darth Vader action figure, though.

I really want to talk about the Cardinals a bit, but I can't think of enough to say, other than "I really like the Cardinals," or "the Cardinals are doing really well this year." And, since I said that, I guess I don't have to go any further. Maybe after I've been to a game I can say more.

I've come up with the greatetst song name EVER. I can't tell you yet, because I haven't written it, and I don't want someone else to beat me to it. So give me some time and I'll let you know.

Not for the feint of butt

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