Monday, May 16

Malice in Wonderland

Why can I only seem to get any posting done when I'm at work? Makes no sense, really. I honsetly can't remember the last post I made at home. I almost did last week, since I was falling behind, but I opted not to and probably wound up playing Diablo II for an hour or so.

Oh yes. Diablo II. Point-and-click-till-your-fingers-are-numb game of the century, but oh so addictive. You can keep your crck, thank you very much. Just give me a mouse and a room full of demons and I'll be fine.

See? It's even taking over this post. Although, that's just as well, since I hadn't settled on a topic yet anyways. Still haven't.

Dooty-doot-doot, whistle whistle.

I probably watch more QVC/infomercials than anyone really ought to. One of the current trends is the cordless sweeper sort of thing that may or may not be a replacement for big vaccuums. I'm sure they work fine, but I still want a vaccuum if I realyl want to get my house clean. Anywho, yesterday morning, whilst watching the usual Sunday morning infomercial fare, I happened across Singer's (the sewing machine people) take on the cordless sweeper called, and I swear I am not making this up, the Singer Lazer Sweepa.

Yes, it's the ghetto version or something. And it was absolutely hilarious listening to the voive-over guy saying "sweepa" over and over. What's scary is that this was being played dead-serious. Do you think anyone who buys it actually goes around saying they got a new Lazer Sweepa? I couldn't bring myself to say that. Maybe I could go overboard and call it my new "Laa-zaah Sweepah!!!" Maybe.

Chicken battle is OV-AAHH!!!

I bought Weezer's new album last week. Good stuff, I must say. One thing I like about the band is that they're, well, kinda nerdy, which is right up my alley. They still maage to rock pretty hard, though, so it's all good.

Okay. Pointless update is OV-AAHH!!! Better post to come when I can find something to talk about besides my nerdy computer game addictions.

You have quite a treasure there in that Horadric Cube

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