Tuesday, May 31

Into the Heart

Back in the day, some readers may recall a feature they used to do on the Point (KPNT) called, aptly enough, 'What's the Point?'. I think that was the title. Anyways, someone would send in a list of seemingly random songs, but upon closer inspection, sharp listeners could detect a way all the songs were related. I was never too good at it, but I did start in on a list of my own:

1.) Pretty Noose--Soundgarden
2.) Revolver--Rage Against the Machine
3.) Monkey Wrench--Foo Fighters

10 points to anyone who can get the theme and another 10 points to someone who can add another asong or two.

A few things I've always liked about Soundgarden:

1.) Matt Cameron--drummer extraordinaire
2.) Kim Thayill--good guitarist, creepy looking dude
3.) Spoonman--come on! a spoon solo, for crying out loud
4.) Chris Cornell--specifically, his vocal chords

Cowboy Mouth was Sunday. A good time was had my all, including our first-timers who were apparently going as nuts as any veteran of nearly 15 shows. Not that I know anyone like that...I'm too lazy for a show recap, but I can say this: the new material is as good as anything they've done in a loooong time. It's nice to see that the band as a whole seems to be contributing new material. Fred introduced 'Disconnected' with a little "uno, dos, tres, catorce." Fred rocks. As do Paul, Griff, and Sonia.

I can't decide if Tom Morrello's weird approach to guitar soloing is really cool or God-awful annoying. It varies on my mood, I guess.

One annoying thing about the guitar is how I can go from thinking I sound great to not being able to play a single note I like. I think I tend to hit ruts, and everything I play sounds (to me) pretty crappy. Or at least too similar to what I always play. The trick is to learn enough new songs to keep the idea well from going dry. I'm the first to admit I don't do that enough, so I think I'm going to take some time to learn a few new songs. I worked on some Collective Soul songs to much success last night, so we'll see what the week brings. Lessons were good for that, so I'm actually going to have to do it on my own this time. Jeez...

Does anyone know anything about the Futureheads? I heard a song of theirs yesterday and thought it was pretty good stuff.

'Half-Blood Prince' has been reserved. Should be good times ahead. Personally, I think it's Snape...

Oh, I don't know. Make something up.

Friday, May 27

Collision Course

Hold on to your butts.

Well, at least we got a nice Scott Joplin tune out of the whole ordeal. What's scary, though, is that I'd probably be more than willing to pony up a few bucks for something like this, minus the injuries, of course.

What's also amazing is that 40,000 people showed up for the first one. In 1896! That's like...well, it'd be a heck of a lot more today.

Buckle up for safety,

Thursday, May 26

25 years of service, and what do I get? A clock?!?!

I don't give much of a hoot about 'American Idol.' Less than a hoot, really. Maybe an "ot," but even that is pushing it. I can't really use just one letter, as it wouldn't make much sense. So "ot" it is. But I have happened across one bit of news concerning said show that is so...perfect, I must report it to you, my readers. I get periodic e-mails from my friends at Ticketmaster ("A Lifetime of 'Convenience' Charges or Your Soul: Your Choice") telling me about shows I shouldn't miss. Usually (always) nonsense, because I either don't care about the bands, or I've already got tickets. I'm pretty sure the e-mail about U2 came out a few days after tickets went on sale, which, in that case, meant almost all were gone. But I digress. Last week, I got an e-mail about the upcoming 'American Idol' tour, with all the poor souls who didn't make it to the end. I don't pretend to know who they are, save for Ozzie Smith's son. Anywho, said "tour" is sponsored by....


Moving on.

I was trying to remember when I first saw 'Star Wars.' I couldn't remember, but I do know that the original three (the first will always be 'Star Wars' to me. Not Episode IV, not 'A New Hope.') are quite enjoyable. I saw Episode I when it came out, and haven't seen it since. I don't recall being too enthralled by it, although I do have a Darth Maul action figure in my room. He was cool. I never bothered with Episode II until Sunday, when it was on TV and I caught the last half or so of it. I think I was just as well skipping it. I didn't catch much of the much bally-hooed awful dialogue, but the effects were oddly not all that hot, considering ILM is supposed to be so high-end. Considering how well the effects were in, say, Fellowship of the Ring, it's sorta weird. Plus, I never really cared about what was happening to anyone on screen. When Jango Fett got his head lopped off (what is it with Lucas and dismemberment?), right in front of his son, the scene got no more emotional impact then when some big alien critters got killed. Consdering Boba Fett is a reasonably big player later on, wouldn't it make more sense to give the scene, which presumably fuels his drive later on, more screen time?

So now I have to figure out if I want to see Episode III. I might, eventually, but I'm in no hurry. I've got my fill of it from the God-awful commercials lately. That Burger King spot with Darth vader staring down that hideous statue of a king is funny once, then sort of creepy every time after. All these dumb commercials seem to cut down on the movie's integrity. For me, at least. I will admit to almost buying a Darth Vader action figure, though.

I really want to talk about the Cardinals a bit, but I can't think of enough to say, other than "I really like the Cardinals," or "the Cardinals are doing really well this year." And, since I said that, I guess I don't have to go any further. Maybe after I've been to a game I can say more.

I've come up with the greatetst song name EVER. I can't tell you yet, because I haven't written it, and I don't want someone else to beat me to it. So give me some time and I'll let you know.

Not for the feint of butt

Friday, May 20

On the road again, again.

As much as I often will complain about radio around here, specifically KSHE, I will admit that every so often, they do something really cool. Last month, not too long aftet Easter, maybe, KSHE did one of its very cool no-repeat weeks. Two wonderful bonuses from this: 1.) it cuts down on the amout of crap like Nickelback and Creed I have to here, and 2.) I might actually get to listen to some cool new song I might only get to hear at obscure times or special programming on when I'm at work or asleep (i.e. the Sunday morning Classics show). Such was the case on the way home from bowling one evening when I heard a song with a nice funky/'70s rock feel to it. The riff was not unlike "Play that Funky Music White Boy." And, of course, because I really wanted to know who wrote it, they didn't tell me who it was by. Natch. So I had made myself remember a lyrical bit just in case that happened. Otherwise, I would have had to call in and ask what song they played at X:00, just after "Plush" and hope they knew.

My effort to remember paid off, and I was able to track down the song, "Remember the Good Times," and the band, Paice Ashton Lord (PAL), a side-project for Ian Paice and John Lord of Deep Purple fame, and...someone Ashton (Tony, maybe), of some other fame. I was also lucky to nab a copy of the CD last weekend at a used CD place. A very good album, although it was the only album they released. So, 10 points to KSHE for that.

But how did Janice and Steve know the song from somewhere or other when I'd never heard it before? Some classic rock fan I turned out to be. Sheesh.

The Point also has a nice feature every Wednesday when they play some early/mid-nineties stuff for a few hours in the evening. A lot of "I remember that song kinda stuff. Not without its share of clunkers, though. This week I had the misfortune of hearing "You Make Me Feel Like a Whore" by Everclear. Mmm. Wonderful title, that. And even if the lyrics weren't lame, the song features what may be one of the worst solo-type things I've heard in a rock song (and I'm counting my songs). It seemed out of sync with the rest of the song and even a little out of key. Bleah. One thing about Everclear I don't like is that all their songs more or less sound the same. They just sound like and Everclear song, and to me, 'tis not a good thing.

On the music horizon:

-Cowboy Mouth concert
-Eric Johnson concert
-new Foo Fighters
-new Audioslave
-new Nickel Creek
-only 7 months til U2

Things are lookin' up.

This is your most ambitious album to date!

Monday, May 16

Malice in Wonderland

Why can I only seem to get any posting done when I'm at work? Makes no sense, really. I honsetly can't remember the last post I made at home. I almost did last week, since I was falling behind, but I opted not to and probably wound up playing Diablo II for an hour or so.

Oh yes. Diablo II. Point-and-click-till-your-fingers-are-numb game of the century, but oh so addictive. You can keep your crck, thank you very much. Just give me a mouse and a room full of demons and I'll be fine.

See? It's even taking over this post. Although, that's just as well, since I hadn't settled on a topic yet anyways. Still haven't.

Dooty-doot-doot, whistle whistle.

I probably watch more QVC/infomercials than anyone really ought to. One of the current trends is the cordless sweeper sort of thing that may or may not be a replacement for big vaccuums. I'm sure they work fine, but I still want a vaccuum if I realyl want to get my house clean. Anywho, yesterday morning, whilst watching the usual Sunday morning infomercial fare, I happened across Singer's (the sewing machine people) take on the cordless sweeper called, and I swear I am not making this up, the Singer Lazer Sweepa.

Yes, it's the ghetto version or something. And it was absolutely hilarious listening to the voive-over guy saying "sweepa" over and over. What's scary is that this was being played dead-serious. Do you think anyone who buys it actually goes around saying they got a new Lazer Sweepa? I couldn't bring myself to say that. Maybe I could go overboard and call it my new "Laa-zaah Sweepah!!!" Maybe.

Chicken battle is OV-AAHH!!!

I bought Weezer's new album last week. Good stuff, I must say. One thing I like about the band is that they're, well, kinda nerdy, which is right up my alley. They still maage to rock pretty hard, though, so it's all good.

Okay. Pointless update is OV-AAHH!!! Better post to come when I can find something to talk about besides my nerdy computer game addictions.

You have quite a treasure there in that Horadric Cube

Friday, May 6

A man among men

Finally getting to the third point I meant to get to at some point last week.

I imagine most of you have seen some of the silly new Hardees commercials with the poor schmucks who seem to have trouble doing the simplest of tasks to prepare breakfast.

Por ejemplo:

--Guy A destroys a piece of toast whilst trying to butter it.

--Guy B spend somewhere near 3 weeks trying to utwist the twisty tie on a loaf of bread.

Follow this up with some line about "without us, some guys would starve," or some nonsense like that, then show off some God-awful, artery clogging mess for breakfast, containing no less than 3 lbs of eggs, 1/2 lb of bacon, and about a 1/2 lb each of cheese and sausage.

The thinking being, I guess, that most guys are too stupid to fend for themselves, meaning they have to eat out. Plus, guys must enjoy eating artery clogging dishes such as the one described above.

This is all pure bollocks. If Guy A had simply set his butter out to soften for a minute or two, and maybe got dressed while waiting, he'd have no trouble buttering his toast. Plus, if the toast was warm enough, it should have been melting the butter anyways.

I will admit that twisty ties can be annoying at times. But Guy B spends waaaay too long fiddling with it. Almost any other person with half a brain stem would have stopped and looked to see which way they needed to turn it, or gotten fed up with the damn thing and reached for some scissors, stale bread be damned.

And why are guys only eating toast for breakfast? Is the idea that these men are so stupid they can only muster the effort to work the toaster and manage to fail at that?

As a card-carrying member of the male species, I must take a little offense at the portrayal of my gender. I will admit to having done some dumb things before. Just last night, I burned my hand on an iron when I wasn't even ironing. But these commercials are a bit much. I mean, come on. Are we that mindless? Do we just sit around all the time drinking beer, eating high calory foods, and looking at girls' butts?

If so, I'm obviously doing something wrong here. Thank God Hardees* is here to show me the error of my ways.

Maybe I'm generalizing a bit, but you get the idea. I'd say I'm boycotting Hardees, but I never ate there anyways, so it's really not all that different. But I can still complain, right?

You wouldn't get much for that thing anyways. It's not even a real cow.

*Actually, as I thought about it, a lot of sit-coms portray us guys along those lines, too. I'm sorry, did we do something wrong?