Monday, April 11

The quill! The page! Lyric, rampage! Word up?



You might recall my ire last year about all the hoo-ha over Ms. Shandi Finnessy, soon-to-be-former Miss America, and more-or-less resident of Florissant, MO. It was, and still is, silly, although it may have been topped by two new additions to our roadsides. One is a rather large, gaudy, tacky, and pretty unnecessary...thing at the New Florissant/ I-270 exit. It looks more like a memorial plaque than anything I can bring to mind, but I'm pretty sure she's not dead (I think I'll go for a walk!). The other is a little addition to the 'Welcome to Missouri Sign' driving in from Illinois that reads "Home of Shandi Finnessy, Miss USA (America?) 200X." I don't recollect the year, nor do I care to investigate.

Now, unsightly as it is, I can understand a sign in Florissant, although I wish it was a wee bit smaller and moved somewhere other than where I get off the highway everyday. But the addition to the highway sign is just way out there. I mean, why does she get her name on a sign before other famous people we have? You know, someone like that President we had, or that author who wrote some book about the Mississippi? In 10-20 years, will people still be talking about Ms. Shandi Finnessy? Hmm?



With the help of one Janice "I may or may not be related to Juggling Jeff" Koziatek. the computer room was most masterfully painted. Ceiling and all done in just over two hours. Looks quite nice, I think. Thus ends my upstairs painting endeavors, save for redoing the ceiling in the living room. Next up: the basement. Ooooooo, aaaahhhhhh.

Tax day is Friday. Have you turned yours in yet?

I have to wonder: who in the realm of One Hour Photo World decided that cutting negs into strips of four was a good idea? There is not a single neg sleeve on the market that I know of that holds any less than 5 frames across. It doesn't matter much on 24-exposure rolls, but for 36-exposre rolls, what should fit on one sleeve now takes two. Ideally, negs should be cut into strips of six, I think, so even the longest rolls fit onto a 6-frame sleeve. Plus, no one pays attention to how they cut the negs. Instead of starting at the first frame and cutting, the cut starts at the front of the roll, meaning the first strip is 3 blank frames and one good frame, and the last strip is invariably some odd-ball number.


S'pose I should get the negs uncut and do it myself, eh?

I wish I was better with words so I could describe last night's Eric Sardinas/Steve Vai extravaganza. Eric wore a cowboy hat of the Griff-style, but had it low enough to hide all but his mouth. Long, black, curly hair. Tight pants, tatoos, velvet-esque shirt. Tatoos. He played slide with a bottle of beer and lit his guitar on fire at the end. When he joined Steve for the encore, he was wearing tight, floral print pants.

Where to start with Vai....he played with his tongue at the end.

What else can I say?

That said, it was an excellent show. Depsite their weirdness, both guys seemed like very nice gentlemen, and were obviously very grateful to the audience for coming out and looked to be having a lot of fun on stage. I wore earplugs, and it was the greatest thing ever. Not only could I hear the notes during the show better, but I could hear AFTER the show too, which is an incredible sensation. Fun times, yo.

But what about rules of verse? Iambic pentameter is where it's at!

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