Wednesday, March 30

You Don't Know God From Godzilla!

According to an AP story, someone trying to sneak into a hospital and give Terry Schiavo a glass of water said that as he was being taken away by the police. I can totally see how a giant Japanese monster relates to the situation.

It's the same way I tell people they don't know the difference between firm tofu and cream cheese.

Okay, that was silly. But I think the whols Schiavo situation is getting pretty silly. her parents claim she tried to talk when they removed her tube. Jeb Bush tries to have her removed from the hospital and placed under special care. Shoot, at this point, I almost wouldn't be surprised if Godzilla (or God Himself, for that matter) did show up to end the silliness. I think I just want everyone to let her go. Of course, she is being pretty much starved. Of course, I don't know how much alive she would be if they kept the tube in. A thorny issue to be sure. I can see both sides, and they both have a good case.


So there was some Irish band that kicked off a world tour on Monday. There was some other guy who decided it'd be a good idea to sit near his computer all night and watch the setlist as it was updated one song at a time. Is it dedication or fanaticism? Maybe a bit of both, but it was kinda fun. So the countdown to December is in full swing. I figured out the days at one point, but I don't remember. 260 or something like that, I think.

I actually think I've got less going this week, even though I work everyday. Compare to last week, when I was off 2 1/2 days, and was barely home. No fruit was involved, but I did spend a lot of time at SMDP in the dark. I mean, if I hadn't known any better, I'd have thought they forgot to pay the electric bill. I will say that a mass by candlelight is way cool. Oh, if only I could truly capture in print the wackiness of the dude singing the litany of saints during the Easter Vigil mass. Let this serve as a mere reminder so I can laugh about it later. That Vigil mass was a Power Mass, to boot. Two hours and ten minutes, I think, and it only had 4 of the usual 8 readings. I've been to rock shows shorter than that. If we'd had everything read, the mass would have given a Flecktones show a run for its money. Congress might want to see if anyone from BALCO was around. You get the idea. But it was far from dull.

I butted eggs this weekend. It was...interesting. I shan't go into details, but I'll tell you this: an egg with small stress fractures seems to do a better job absorbing impact than a solid egg. I didn't get to test the theory 100%, but it held up over a few small tests I ran. And do make sure your eggs are hard-boiled.

I actually had a post typed out yesterday, but there was an error while I was loading it. It's just as well, since it was pretty lame, I think. This one? Well, it's not great, but it's got more going for it than anything else I could come up with.

Well, that's simply not true. I have long pants, I wear long pants.

*Isn't it cool how I got through the whole post without a footnote?**

**Well crap.

p.s. For Janice: Whoopty-shit.

Tuesday, March 22

Monday morning, eighteen years of dawning, I say how long?

See, it's funny because this is clearly Tuesday. I just needed a U2 quote, and it was the last song I listened to.

Implied by the above, I was quite successful in acquiring tickets to the U2 show in December. It was about as tense as I've been in awhile, and I was just staring at a screen for 10 minutes watching a counter fluctuate. Two minutes! Score! Seven minutes?!? No!!! And so on and so forth. It all worked out, as these things tend to do. Would it have been the end of the world if no tickets were bought? No, not really, but it would have been a bit of a bummer. I suspect I would have got over it. But I am happy to be going, even if it is nine freaking months away. If we can get Cowboy Mouth here over the summer that may help, along with Steve Vai, Béla Fleck, Green Day, and...maybe the Moody Blues. I hope Riverport* has a good line-up this summer. So far all I've heard are Sammy Hagar and Motley Crüe (not together, mind you). Not too inspiring, even though I kinda like the Red Rocker. But I've seen him before, and while I had fun, it wasn't enough to make me want to go again. Where's Rush when I need them?

Went to mum's over the weekend. Always a good time, even if she and Mike opted for The Incredibles over Napoleon Dynamite. Not to say that The Incredibles is a bad movie. Far from it, actually. I just don't think they realized what they were missing. We went to the Wurst Fest in Hermann. Lots of sausage. Good sausage, at that. It's true what they say, you know: "sausages can be very seductive." No Knockwurst Knightmare Platter, though. Otherwise, all yumminess and general...all around German-ness. I approve. That night Janice and I stopped by a Chinese establishment for Chinese food. Like ice cream, donuts, and tater tots. Janice, of course, grabbed a few specifically so i could ask her to "Gimme some of your tots," which she did, bless her soul.

There was, of course, actual Chinese food. And we ate it. Some of us (Cindy) ate somewhere around 14 kilos of the stuff, but hey, to each their own. Buffets will do that to people, I guess.

Excited to see that another scramble is set for sometime in August.

Because I'm jealous of all school-types who get spring breaks this week, I took half of tomorrow, and then Thursday and Friday off. Lots planned: dinners with mom and dad, mass Thursday and Saturday, playing guitar for SMDP's Stations tomorrow, bowling, shopping, a trip to the gym, fun at the DMV, home repair, aaaaaand.....fruit.

Oh my, it must be lunch time.

dot dot dot

*I refuse to use the name "UMB Bank Pavillion." Not only is it redundant, it sounds really stupid. So there.

Tuesday, March 15

Yeah... Coach woulda put me in fourth quarter, we would've been state champions.

I feel I need to make ammends to a long standing policy of mine.

I've oft been heard saying I don't enjoy going to the dentist. This is not entirely accurate. I don't enjoy going to the dentist's office, and allowing the dental hygenist to run iron hooks along my gums and teeth and tell me I haven't been flossing*. Sometimes I wonder if metal hooks in my mouth are such a good idea. But, a visit from the dentist him/herself is not that bad, unless it involves drilling (not too often, thankfully). A quick check of the mouth and I'm on my way. And I imagine he/she gets paid gobs more than the ladies with the iron hook.

You know, "Ladies With the Iron Hook" would be a good name for a rock band.

There, I feel better now. I'm still antsy about this week's impending U2 ticket sale. I'm not overly worried about not getting deats, but you never know. I'd just rather have it over and done with.

I'll be buying six tickets, which works out to a whopping $570 (that's $95 a ticket). Whew. I can't think of any other band I'd spend that on. Maybe the final shows for the 'Tones or CM.

Road work has commenced on New Florissant the past week, and they've taken it upon themselves to tear up the road so the new surface will stick, or something like that. It's really, well, rough. I was coming home from work yesterday, and got stuck behind an SUV of some sort poking along at about 25 mph. Now, I know it's not the sort of surface you want to go over all ablaze, but aren't SUVs supposed to be built for such an environment? What's the point of having something that can handle the rough stetches if you drive it like a ninny? God forbid any dust get on the paint, I guess.

Band scramble, you say? Saturday it was, yes. Fun times were had by all in the band, and we didn't tank. Granted, we did finish last out of last, but there's a train of thought that we lost points because our take on "other" differed from the judges'. They were probably expecting something like flutes, bongoes, keys, spoons, etc. They got dancing. Still, as I said, it was very fun, even if the stage lights were damned toasty. I think I've got an itch to get back on stage, although it might just be something I ate. All the other bands were good, although only a couple made any impression on me, and, of course, they didn't win. Maybe they should have let me judge. No one sucked, and there were few signs that most songs were probably thrown together over a couple weeks or maybe even a few hours. The only give away was probably the song called "Two Week Old Band." You'll get that. There was one guy on jew harp, which was fun...and a bald guy. Tell you what: I'll get some pictures on the web site and let you look at them.

Sa'right? Sa'right.

You think I got where I am today because I dressed like Peter Pan over here?

*Okay, so a lot of the time I haven't been flossing. But she told me that today, and I have been flossing. I wasn't in any postion to argue, because she had her hands in my mouth. Plus, it's probably not a good idea to argue with anyone wielding the aforementioned iron hooks. She might give me a reason to visit the dentist again for a completely different (and more painful) reason.

Tuesday, March 8

Sodium Hypercholride

'Tis the name of R.P.'s new song, more or less written by yours truly. I'll take the credit for the main idea, but the structure and bridge belong to our drummer. So we're three practices down, and three songs written, leaving us with two practices to iron out any kinks and play along with words. We've yet to have any lyrics, but I suspect tonight will put an end to that. Practice Sunday was extremely smooth, probably because it was just bass, drums, and guitar. Singer-man was unable to attend due to family issues, and while I was sorry for that, it's hard to overlook how much easier it was for us to play when someone wasn't trying to tweak notes every five minutes. I think we've managed to write three damn good songs. One of them is borderline damn good, if a certain picker can get a decent solo together. Our set isn't until 11 Saturday night, and that's after spending most of the day downtown at the St. Pat's parade. Gonna be a long day. I might need Sunday and Monday to recover.

And then take Monday to contemplate the purchase of.......drum roll.......U2 tickets!


December 14 at Savvis. U2 and...someone or other. it's gonna be good, and I will be there, oh yes. I'm excited to see that all the problems I posted about last time are by and large gone. It seems one Larry Mullen, Jnr. was pretty dismayed at the way things went last time, and he (and maybe the rest of the band) stepped in to fix the problems for fan presales. Good stuff.

Yesterday was a joyous day, if for no other reason, I got my Girlscout cookies. Yum. Six bosex worth, even. It didn't seem like a lot when I bought them, but seeing six boxes all together looked like quite a haul. granted, there aren't that many to a box, but still. I've already had my share of Tag-a-Longs today, and I could easily eat the whole box if I'm not careful. Maybe if I pretend they aren't in my desk drawer they'll just...go away,


"Who wouldn’t want Girl Scout cookies? Communists, maybe. Or people with no souls. You can’t trust a person who doesn’t know a Tagalong from a Samoa."

-Bob Rybarczyk
Makes sense, don't you think?

News flash: "We've got a new bookmobile, and it's going to be in a parade Saturday."

I bought a cool, new movie on Friday night. Perhaps you've heard of it: The Spongebob Squarepants Movie? Yeah, it's good. Gotta love the Hasselhoff.

Baseball back?

If that's not the best thing you've ever seen, done, or eaten, then may I politely ask you to gouge out your eyes, cut out your tongue, and um, have all your done removed.

Wednesday, March 2

Not only good, but good for you.

Many thanks to all the submissions for Miss MaxRes 2005. Believe you me, it's been a mind-numbingly difficult process narrowing down the entires to the best of the best. Once the selections are done, though, we can move right along to the next phase of the competition. Next up will be the swimsuit competition, and after that, the--

Oh, wait, sorry. That's...something...else.

No, I have no idea if we have any new Cheeseballs. I am looking forward to judging the new recruits on their bowstaff skills in a life-or-death struggle against a vicous liger (pretty much my favorite animal).

You should see their talons.

Other exciting news:

My band has an official name: Roland Pacific.

No, it doesn't mean anything, and no, I'm not going to divulge its meaning (unless you're Janice). I'm gonna leave it to you to figure out. Or come watch us play next Saturday, assuming you're 21+. That probably eliminates many of the people reading this, but for anyone who can make it, let me know and I'll pass along the details.

Practice #2 was last night, and yielded a second song. I quite like it. It doesn't sound like any classic rock songs I can think of, and it has a sort of punk-y feel to it. There's a nifty rhythm breakdown followed by a guitar solo, so it's all good in my book (coming soon, only $24.95, order now!). Actually, it started as something pretty simple: our drummer told me to pick a chord, then another chord, and I put a nifty rhythm over a drum part he came up with. It's only got about 3 chords (4, actually), but our singer/frontman guy decided that it needs to be more complex to impress the music snobs out there. Now, I'm all for that kinda thing, but in this case, it's not what we need. We don't have a lot of time to be messing with songs, and we're not out to win a record deal or anything. I mean, are there going to be that many "music snobs" at this event? We're playing in a bar, so I imagine the avergae listener isn't going to be listening for complex chord changes. Will judges be impressed by putting a flat 5 on top of a minor third?* Maybe, but I bet we get more points for a good song they can hum back.** Anyways, we'll see. I think we're in good shape, though.

Just noticed at lunch: someone had a steak in the toaster oven. Makes my Chili-Mac seem rather ordinary, doesn't it?

I'm shooting the musical at DeSemt tonight. This is the last show to feature anyone at the school I can say I really "know." And by that, I mean "people who are somehow acquainted with Steve or Janice." Weird, huh?

Anything else worth mentioning? Eh, nothing springs to mind. Starting this post before lunch and finishing it after lunch sort of ruins the train of thought.

Yeah I can play the guitar. I know all about virtuosos...and...trembalos...and arpeggios.

*I have no idea if that would even sound like something worth hearing. It's all I could think of, and I don't have a guitar handy to check it out.

**And that doesn't have to mean "poppy" or "crap," of course. Think 'Smoke on the Water' or '(Don't Fear) the Reaper.'