Friday, October 29

The Silver Lining

From Redbird Nation:

"It's the death of summer — the subject of some of the greatest pop music, from the Beach Boys' "All Summer Long" to Jonathan Richman's "That Summer Feeling" — that's supposed to make today, the day after the World Series, the chilliest, most hopeless day of the entire year. But I didn't feel as bad today as I'd have thought. The sun was shining, and the nightmare that ended in Busch was growing just a bit foggier. And I swear there was a brief moment, when I walked outside to get my mail this afternoon, when springtime seemed, improbably, just around the corner..."

Just over 3 months until pitchers and catchers report.


Thursday, October 28


In case I don't post this in time, Tuesday marks the one-year anniversary of this wonderful site.

Happy Birthday. MaxRes. And yes, your cheque really is in the post.

I'm not going to use this space to lament the loss of our beloved Cardinals to the Red Sox last night. If we had to lose, it might as well be to them. Granted, I would have liked a more competitive series, but...we made it that far, damn it, so I can't be upset. Expecially considering we weren't even "supposed" to be in the playoffs in the first place. Was it a choke? Nah. One hell of a time for a team to hit a slump.

Next year. A fresh year of hotness with Tony and Co.

Someone beat me to it, but Mr. Satriani's concert Sunday night was tremendous fun. Loud, yes, but oodles of wonderfulness. And yes, I know how stupid that sounded. So piss off.

Um, yeah, Got carried away, sorry.

Yes, Joe was good. There's not much else I can say, as you really had to be there to get the full experience. I would like to clear up my concert rating system, though. The whole "my ears are ringing a lot so it must have been good" theory is a bit much, I think. If I subscribe to that thinking, some pretty crappy shows would end up being "the best." Every show at the Creepy Crawl would have to be good, because it's so small, allowing for lots of ear ringing. This is not to say there aren't any good shows at the Crawl, just not up my alley. At least, I think so. I can't hear very well in there.

I've been TV-less for over a month now, and I'm in no hurry to get it hooked up again. The monetary savings is nice, and I get to do other, better things with my time. Like. play Half Life and watch Godzilla movies. See how much better it is?

Hey, you in the back, stop laughing!

Did I mention Half Life 2 comes out on November 16?

Stop it! C'mon, please?

Well fine, if you're gonna be like that, I'll just leave.


I saw Esau, he saw it.

Friday, October 22

World Serious

Ah, National League Champions.

I like the sound of that.

I'll wait a minute for all of you to say it to yourselves.

All done? See, it does sound nice.

How cool is this? The Cardinals in the World Freakin' Series.

Not so cool: I'll miss game one because of trivia and game two because of a concert (at least it's Satch). Oh well, I'll live.

Magic number is 4.

On to Beantown!

Monday, October 18

No one ever talks to a horse, of course.

That is, unless, of course, the horse is Cassie.

The HB.

No, really, she's such a cupcake. Would Mr. Wall lie about such things?

Him? Never!

Um....I rode a horse this weekend. I think so, at least. I was on a horse, but the actual amount of "riding" was pretty limited. There was a lot of me telling Ranger to stop and holding on for dear life. But it was fun, and my butt doesn't hurt. My upper legs do, which means, apparently, I was doing it right. Go figure. Janice had it much easier, because jack has two speeds: "mosey" and "off." A good starter horse, if you will.

Personally, I'd like a shot at whatever horse was in Monte Walsh: The Last Cowboy starring that guy who sort of looks like Tom Selleck. I never thought I'd say (or write) this, but some Westerns are actually pretty good. Enjoyable, at least, and far better than....Matlock.

Weekend recap: cooked food.

Moving on.

I like waking up, looking at the clock, and realizing I still have another hour or so to sleep. I do not, however, like to be woken up at 4:I can't believe how early it is in the morning because of a damn storm. A doozy. A lot of fallderall, really, and it managed to creep me out. George was smart and hid downstairs, which is where I went when I realized I wasn't going to go back to sleep anytime soon, to make sure I wasn't going to need about 47 towels to clean up the mess from leaky basement.

Nary a drop.

Which is more than I can say for my *^&%! new faucet, which, no matter how hard I try to install properly, keeps dripping. As I told mum last night, it was one of those times I wished I was a person who cussed a lot. It might've helped. As is, I have to take it all apart (again) tonight and apply more plumber's putty to stop the dripping. I think.

Hey, could you get that? Thanks a lot.

Fun stuf coming up, check it out:

Oct. 24--Satch
Oct. 30--trip to mum's
Nov. 3--BOC
Nov. 22--HTDAAB
Dec. 14--LotR: RotK
Dec. 14--Steve's Play of the Funny Name
Dec. 16--CM x2

Alas, no 'Tones in there, which means no 'Tones until '06.


Again, weekend summary: charred mammal flesh. Tasty.

drip, drip, splash.

Friday, October 15

Reports from the Home Front

I've found that the little things can end up being very cool sometimes. provided you know when to look. For example:

Driving to work, listening to U2's 'War,' listening to the song '40,' and then looking to your right just in time to see the sign that says your on Highway 40.

I like irony. It's the kind of thing that can often rely on a lot of little things to work out just so, which is why true irony is hard to come by. I don't count much of what Ms. Morrisette considers irony as true irony. I've been a victim of what I would consider true irony, but that's a long story. I was a victim again, though, this week. Case in point: Dave disconnects cable because it's too damn expensive. Dave calls dish people to come install a nice new dish at $20 less each month (yay!). Dave waits all day for dish guy to come. Dish guy arrives, tracks water in the house, checks the backyard, and tells Dave he can't get dish because there's no line of sight to the satellite. Sorry, sir. Dave still has no TV and must call cable people again so he can watch the rest of the playoffs.

Assuming Fox even shows our games, that is. I know we aren't Boston/New York, but come on! We're getting incredibly screwed over here. I mean, I'm glad we won last night (2-0!), but from what I've gathered, the only reason that game was played is because Fox didn't want anything competing with the Evil Empire/Red Sox game tonight in prime time. What if someone got hurt last night? Shoot, it was cold and wet enough, someone could get sick or something. If Carlos Beltran or Albert Pujols wake up today with some illness, I can't imagine either team being too happy with MLB and Fox.

Damn Yankees.

Interestingly, being at a playoff game is less stressful than listening on the radio. However, the elbow room is a lot tighter.

I don't think too many of you are going to be intrested in the rest of my week (ooo! his washer is whisper quiet now!), so I'm just gonna skip it and move on to wrapping this up.

Expect no updates for awhile. I'ma go visit the Walls this weekend with Tiger. God help us all.

And that hot girl? That'll be the Cheat.

Wednesday, October 13

'e's not pining, e's passed on!

You're Minnesota!

You love hanging out around lakes, even if they're frozen solid. Given
your probable Scandanavian heritage, it all just demonstrates that you're pining for the
fjords. Your obsession with wrestling got a little carried away for a while there, and
this should prompt some serious reflection about the separation of mind and body. It may
be time to celebrate, even throw your hat up in the air. You're going to make it after

Take the State Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

Take that as you will.

More interesting post later. Like, tomorrow, probably., then, eh?

Thursday, October 7

Get up baby, get up!

At the moment, the Cardinals are up 8-3 on the Dodgers, looking to go up 2-0 in their best of 5 series. Crazy game, and I'm almost glad we didn't go, as it might have been too much for me to take.

After giving up back-to-back dingers to tie the game in the 4th, Jason Marquis gets an out, walks a guy, and almost hits the pitcher, who was up bunting. Ick. Cal Eldred comes in, gets him, then proceeds to walk the bases loaded, and then go 3-0 on Steve Finley. Then he gets two strikes, and Finley finally flies out.


That was tough at home (Janice's) to watch, and probably would have killed me had I been there.

But all this is filler, as I really want to do something I meant to do earlier, which is to post a few of my favorite moments from the Cardinals' season.

-mid May, a series in Houston. In the top of the 12th, Hector Luna drives in the
winning run with a suicide squeeze. Sweet.

-Jim Edmonds' amazing catch in Cincinatti to rob Adam Dunn of a home run.

-Marlon Anderson's pinch-hit, 3-run homerun in that same game to put the Cards on
top. I'd written the game off as a loss.

-July 20. Chicago. Pujols. 3 homeruns. Holy crap.

-the back-to-back come from behind wins in the late innings against Oakland.

-Rick Ankiel. He's back!

I'm sure I could come up with more if I thought about it, but those will have to do.

Steve Kline has just ended the game for us. 8-3 Cardinals victory.

And that means I can stop typing. Great timing, eh?

that's a winner!

Monday, October 4

Everyone needs to go insane, oh, about...NOW!!!

I feel sorta bad when I don't update this thing for a long stretch. Not quite as bad as, say, ignoring the cats, but you get the idea. I don't enjoy it.


Janice and I had the privilege of taking in an extremely talented muscial group this evening brought in to fire up the crowd at the Cardinals' playoff rally even more than they already were (and really, if a stirring speech by Dan Haren doesn't get your blood a-pumpin', you might as well just leave).

That's right, we saw Murphy Lee. They had a rap about..umm...Jose Oquendo.

Oh, and there was some other band there, too. Cowboy something or other. They were okay, and by "okay," I mean, "totally kicked all ass." Hmm. I don't give them enough credit, I think. How's this: they were the musical equivalent of Tony Womack, who, alas, was not at the pep rally. It never gets old, even after 14 shows. I think it's 14. I've lost track. The show was a bit shorter than I'd like, only about 70 minutes or so, but it was just as good as always. Not the best, of course, but no less than I've come to expect. Lots of fun, lots of yelling, lots of energy, and Fred going out and harassing the folks who won't stand (why wouldn't you stand?. Highlight of the evening was probably a rockin' version of 'Take Me Out to the Ballgame,' with a barrage of fireworks going off as the song ended. Uber-cool, and a fitting close to the whole affair. I talked with Fred a bit after the show (after he signed Janice's drumstick, of course), and the main point of our few words were basically: CM is better than the Who. Not to take anything away from the Who, of course, but given a choixe, I'll take the Mouth.

One other tidbit from our talk: Someone mentioned Fred introducing Griff from "Mexico, Missouri," and Janice said that's how it was back at RibFest. I said somthing to the effect that she'd paying attention (at the shows), to which Fred replied:

"She seems pretty smart. You'd better watch out."

Smart one, that Fred.

Special thanks to the Mouth for trekking up from Florida last night to play for us in Cardinals Nation, especially since they head back to Florida tomorrow. Extra special thanks to the guys and gal for putting aside any personal preferances team-wise and donning Cardinals' red (rumor has it Griff is a Dodger's fan).

Speaking of nutty touring schedules, check out Blue Oyster Cult's Spetember itinerary:

September 2004
date city venue notes

2 Bushkill, PA
3 Indianapolis, IN
4 Farmingville, NY
5 Concord, CA

10 Grand Junction, CO
11 Denver, CO
12 San Dimas, CA
17 Sherman, NY
18 Las Vegas, NV

23 Glenside, PA
24 Clifton Park, NY
25 Hampton Beach, NH
26 Sayreville, NJ

I love this time of year. The weather is fantastic, the views are getting better, and the playoffs are here. At noon:09 tomorrow. While I'm at work. In the bowels of HQ. No TV, no radio. Just Yahoo! sports. Gah! It's tense enough watching on TV, but now I have to hang on every 30-second update. Heaven help me.

And word has reached me Janice might be able to score tickets to the game on Thursday. Someone get me a sedative!

Stuff updates: new bathroom coming soon. My room has been moved from down to up after about 10-12 years down. It's nice, although I don't recommend moving heavy furniture alone, unless you're a.)stubborn or b.)stupid. Or, easier, a man. But, so my mom doesn't worry, I lifted with my knees, and I'm just fine. Finally got paid for soccer tounament (only took a month!). Also sold 12-string Ric. Play pics at DeSmet upcoming.

Wow, I might actually have a few bucks pretty soon. If not? Well, close but no doe.

Crap. Some of us need to go to bed so we don't oversleep again. Like me.

Hasta luego,