Thursday, July 29

Just creatures for awhile

We had a Canadian author at work tonight. How aboot that, eh?

Nice goal, eh?

Um. Yeah. Anyways, he was a humor columnist, so, naturally, he was pretty, well, humorous. Two points stick in my mind, mainly regarding the war in Iraq. He mentioned that, being Canadian, he gets asked, when in the States, why Canada didn't send troops overseas.

1.) They're military force is still in Afghanistan, and he's doing all he can.

2.) Bush invaded Iraq right as the Stanley Cup playoffs were starting.
3.) In hockey, the French will still fight.

3 points. Like I said before. But, yeah, he was funny. Not Dave Barry funny, but funny all the same. I can recall at least 5 good laughs.

It's been awhile, but long-time followers of No Moore, none of whom read this blog, will attest to my odd tendency to deflect the ball into our own net. I think I can safely say I've vindicated myself for those times. Somehow or other I managed to sprawl across an empty net last night and whack a ball, deflected by one of our own, out of harm's way.

I don't want to name names, so we'll call the guy who deflected that ball "Steve." 

But it's okay, because, as I said, I've done that many times myself. That said, I think we as a team played pretty good last night.

We lost 2-1.

I'm like, Mr. Comma tonight. Have you noticed?  

In other thoughts:

I've been listening to and downloading a lot of 311 the past few days, and it reminded me of something from their show last August at the Um-Bee-Pav. Last song of the show was 'Down,' which was their first big single from '95. Lead singer Nick Hexum dedicated the song to their old school fans. Now, there were many people at this show who were probably 14-16 years old, and started going nuts as if they were old school 311 fans. Now, that album is almost 10 years old, and it was already 311's third major release. Before that, they had about 3 indie records. I started listening in '95, and don't even really consider myself old school. So for a bunch of kids who were 6 or 7 years old when that song came out to be acting like they've been with the band forever kinda irked me.

Or maybe I'm just going elitist or something. When you're as old as me, it's hard to tell.

I'm glad this week is almost over, since it's been dragging it's feet ever since Monday morning. Tomorrow may be Friday, but it took forever to get here. I'll be glad for the weekend. And I only have a four day week next week, culminating with a trip to Six Flags. The next week brings another concert at Um-Bee-Pav with Tom, and the following week sees another trip to VI Flags and a Weird Al concert.

Fun times ahead. Can you see them? They're just off to the left, behind those sycamores.

Comes and goes, it comes and goes.

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