Wednesday, July 14

An exercise in self-indulgence.

I'm going to keep this post brief. Short. Succinct. Terse. To the point. Cut straight to the heart of matters. Get to the point. Cut to the chase. No beating around the bush.

And so on.

Hut sut raw, sitting on a monkey, and so on, and so on.


There's a new rule for whiffle ball:

12 If a ball is hit, strikes the pitcher/fielder/whatever, and proceeds to deflect over the fence, that ball is, of course, a ground rule double.

You can't make this stuff up.

I'd like to point out that my previous post contained a slight error. The Cardinals, alas, did not sweep the Cubs, although they made their closer look pretty bad in the third game. I am happy to say our reps in the All-Star Game did a damn good job of representin'.

Special bonus points to mum for being uber nice and cleaning my bathroom yesterday after dinner.

Retroactive bonus points to mum for the uber cool card she gave me on my 16th birthday.

Imagine, if you will, opening that card, and finding a key taped to the inside.

A key!
To a car!
A car key!
In my card!

Also, were the words "here's the key to your car. If you can find it, it's yours."


Ha! My mom, ever the joker. I still have the key taped to the inside, and never did try to find the car. Mom almost topped herself the next year with the 3-D Godzilla birthday card, but the key still wins.

My room is back to a state of almost cleanliness. I actually have a decent amount of extra storage space, and I'm not sure how to use it.


I'll be waiting over here.

By? By-tor? Buy? Bye bye!

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