Sunday, July 25

His sitting was out of control by the end.

Sounds like me at work sometimes.

Like Friday, for instance. I spent more time sitting around thinking about working than actually working. It was one of those days. I also have taken to using my computer for downloading concerts, due to it's rapid (fast) internet connection. My current conquest is the massive 311 show from March 11 (ya know, 3/11 day). 68 songs!!! It makes for a lot of listening. I have to make sure I don't let downloading interfere with actual work, though. I think I'm doing okay.

I've been thinking, and I'm trying to decide if I like rediscovering bands I've always liked, discovering all new bands, or discovering the entire catalogue of bands I've always liked (i.e. Rush). I suppose two and three are sorta similar, but not enough. I bring this up mostly because I'm still on a Rush kick, more than a month after the concert. I think it's because their catalogue is quite large, and I only know a small portion of it. Getting to know the span of their 17 albums is quite a treat.

Still, it's always nice to go back and get into the splendor that is U2. The new album this fall is making it a lot more exciting. It's good stuff, believe you me.

Which reminds me: for being a tried-and-true U2 fan, I hereby award Jess an additional 17 1/4 points, which moves her above the boat parade guy and Richard Nixon to take a solid lead in fourth place on the points list with a total of 24 1/4.

Janice and I helped mum and Michael James move into their new house today. It's a very nice house. The basement has, oh, I don't know, about 87,000 turns and closets. It's extremely cool, but the potential of getting lost is high. The entire house has something close to 3 million light switches and another 16,000 outlets. That said, it's a wonderfully nice house, and I can't wait to see it when they get everything unpacked. The only downside? I want either move or redecorate my house. I think the second option is more likely, but I need money and an idea. Or two. So, any suggestions are welcome (even if you haven't seen the house!).

I was really disappointed with the weather this weekend. It was supposed to be sunny and not too hot, but instead, we get cool and rainy. What the hell? Rains out my Journal shoot and my plans to go shoot some stars, something I haven't done since last September. Sigh. Why must I be tortured so? By the by, if you've never gone out to take some star pictures, I highly recommend it. It's different, and very relaxing.

Just watch out for The Man.

The only other thing I want to say today: sometimes, some people just need to, as Bev might say, "just move on."


We'd better have another wienie roast.


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