Sunday, July 11

Searching for the lost Xanadu.

Still going.


Somewhere in this world, likely in Japan, is a man (most likely) sitting comfortably in his house, basking in his wealth. This man, sometime ago, probably in the mid-eighties, decided that characters in video games should make a little noise when they jump. And his boss agreed, and now, for the past 20 years or so, I've had to listen to strange little noises in video games when my character jumps.

And for that, I need someone to go find that guy and take care of that little problem.

Yes, that's right: I need someone to go back in time and kick him right in the shins.

You may wonder why I'm expending all this energy to complain about such a trivial thing. Well, the simple reason is this: I got my old Nintendo working again, and bought the first 3 Mario games. Lotsa fun, and surprisingly, still challenging. Having spent the last few years beefing myself up on computer games, I figured I'd breeze right through those oldies.

Not quite. They can still be mighty frustrating at times. But fun all the same. So I can deal with it.

I have my performance review at work tomorrow. My boss has guaranteed I'm not being fired, so I suppose it's safe to go through with it. Supposedly I'll be getting a raise as well, so I might as well see it to the end. Odds are good we'll talk as much about the Cardinals being 9 games up on the Cubs (yeah, I'm predicting a sweep).

Sorry, Leah.

For those curious, Tom and Rachel are back in the country after their honeymoon. Tom was telling me yesterday about something that I think only men can truly comprehend. Or not, I could be wrong. Anyways. Rachel's mom came up to visit them and have dinner (BBQ). She and Rachel took it upon themselves to make the fire, and as Tom told me, it wasn't quite as he would have done it, and thusly, the coals weren't all that warm, and the burgers were slow to cook. I think, and again, I could we waaaaaaaaaaay off, the creating of a BBQ fire is a real 'guy thing,' and we can get pretty picky about the way it's done. Of all forms of cooking, I think BBQing is the 'manliest' form. Nothing against the other ways of cooking, but it's hard to beat cooking right over a fire.

Although, mom was always pretty adept at grilling.

Well that certainly puts a kink in that theory.

I have to start cleaning my room this afternoon. I may not emerge until sometime on Tuesday, if I get as involved as I usually do. And by involved, I mean completely destroying the room and then reassembling it in some new order.

You'll get that.

And with that, I'ma gonna go tend to some other tasks before the cleaning commenses. I need to get as much done as possible in time to watch the Cardinals sweep the Cubs.

They said they were going to buy me lunch, but I don't see anyone taking me to Chik-Fil-A.


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