Sunday, August 1

"So what's your plan now? Let's run screaming!"

I went to buy some cat food on Friday afternoon, and it reminded me of an observation I made the last time I went to buy cat food. I noticed, as I was walking around the store (I had time to kill, mind you) the big bags of dried cat food all featured pictures of ladies holding their cats (the cats were, as I recall, unimpressed with the prospect of being on a cat food bag). Anyways, I got to thinking: are these bags implying cats are an inherently 'female' pet? And if so, what would society say about me, being the owner of not one, but two (two) cats? I never gave it much more thought after that, and I saw a guy shopping for his cat on my second trip, so I got over it.

Speaking of cats: Janice and I went to the zoo this afternoon. I find it interesting to note that no matter how large a cat may be, it still acts like my cats. You know, sleep 27 hours a day, come up every so often to eat, and maybe spend 10 minutes a week doing 'cat' things. Namely, scratching the furniture. I also didn't see anything remotely funny about the hyenas, but maybe that's because they took a cue from the cats and slept all day. Hell, the black monitor lizard in the herpetarium was far more active than the cats we saw. Now, I'm not saying I didn't enjoy myself. I had a smashing good time. I'm simply stating that cats are lazy

I went out last night for another round of astrophotography. Not much happened. My shots came out okay, I think. The prints from Walgreens are over exposed, since they don't know any better, and the scanner at home is pretty iffy at best. My scanner at work should provide some better results. I was shooting with a full moon (blue, even), so it was an uphill battle. I'll have to try again at month's end, when we have a new moon. I confused some poor lady at Walgreen's when I dropped the film off this morning. I asked for 'negatives only,' and she looked at me like I asked for a bottle of llama spit. So I settled for prints.

I don't necessarily feel like going into the specifics of my day yesterday, save for the fact I worked up more of a sweat keeping ahead of the parade then I did at soccer on Wednesday. Also, a note to parade planners: it's generally a good idea to put the main focus of your parade at the end, not first.

Just my thoughts, mind you.

And really, I find it silly to honor someone with an entire month in their name, a theater named for them, and blah blah blah, all because they stood around and looked pretty. Shoot, I work my butt off sometimes and don't even get a lousy 5 minutes in my name. What gives?

The main question is, of course, what would I do with 5 minutes in my name? Would I use the time for good or for awesome?

Something to ponder, for sure.

Another thorny issue: how do you best spend a week (4 days) when your boss is out of town? Stroll in at nine, leave at two? Two hour lunches? Rearrange his desk? Actually, I might go for the gusto and wear shorts one day this week. Maybe Thursday.

We'll see.


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