Monday, June 28

A modern day warrior, mean mean stride, today's Tom Sawyer, mean, mean pride.

I'm still on a Rush kick, it would seem. I suspect I'll get over it eventually, but I'm in no hurry.

Plus, I saw the musical version of Tom Sawyer with Janice yesterday. It was....well, it was interesting. Not necessarily bad, but definitely kinda goofy at parts. However, I think whoever wrote the thing meant well, so I'll give 'em credit for that. It's chief downfall, I think, is that the author felt the need to have a song in every scene. So everytime the plot picked up a bit, a song would drag it down. And some of the songs were a tad unneccessary.

Still, I kinda liked it. And Jess, if you're reading, nice job. Your cheque is in the post.

What else.

Oh yeah, Tom and Rachel got married on Saturday. I'll backtrack to Thursday for the bachelor party. Tom's friend from school organized it all. We met at Dave and Buster's and proceeded to buy Tom some drinks and play a lot of silly games (always fun, of course). I bought Tom (and myself) a Hurricane, and it wasn't too bad. A bit much at first, but by the end, not all that bad. And, after having around 6 (VI) drinks, Tom seemed no different than usual. I think he put it something to the effect that since he was so outgoing in the first place, he had no inhibitions to lose anyways. I was only partially listening when he was explaining the logic (probably watching the baseball game).

Friday was the rehearsal dinner out in Montgomery City. It only took us a couple run-throughs to (more or less) get everything figured out. I think we ran through it twice mostly for the sake of the groomsmen. For some reason it took all our abilities to get lined up properly. Janice can attest to that. But we did get through it, which is most important. Then dinner, which was quite good, and a fun drive home.

Saturday was Wedding Day. I got to Tom's hotel around 11:30, and we had a grand 'ol time getting ourselves all spruced up (read: hot). Tom, that doyen of fashion, managed to try out a nose AND ear piercing all in a 5 minute span. Thankfully, and probably for Rachel's sake, he went sans piercing. We also spent some time in the largest rocking chair in Montgomery City, which, for some reason, I don't have a picture of. We got to the church around noon:30 or so for pictures with the professional and his Haasselblad. Anthony and I had to block Tom for a few minutes, lest he see Rachel while she was doing her pictures outside. So we stood around for awhile, looking hot (but not as hot as Tony Womack), got our pictures taken, and got ready for the wedding. It may come as no surprise that we groomspersons were going over our routine beforehand, lest we make ourselves look really goofy during the actual ceremony.

I'm happy to report that all went well. Not a single glitch anywhere.

The reception was a blast. I even managed to do some actual dancing. Well, I think it was dancing. I was moving around to music, but if it was any good is up for discussion. At one point, Tom cam up to me and said that if they played any Cowboy Mouth, I had to go out and dance, as I hadn't yet (I refuse to learn the Electric Slide, sorry). So, of course, not 5 minutes later, I hear 'Invincible,' and my fate is sealed. Apparently, some of Tom's Truman gang had grabbed their Mouth mix CD and taken it to the DJ. And I'm glad they did. For all the fuss I make about my (lack of) moves, I do enjoy myself out there. Later on, all the guys, still looking pretty hot, got up on the stage and busted a move or two to 'Legs.' Fun times. And, to cap off the evening, I caught the garter. Wild stuff.

The wedding will be...when I get around to it. I'll keep you all posted.

So I've been to 4 weddings over the past few years now, and I have two more next year. I've not necessarily felt the overwhelming urge to go and get married, as some people might, I suspect, but, after seeing Tom and Rachel on Saturday, I do know that it's something I want someday, when I'm ready (which, I know I'm not yet). I don't think either of them were without a smile for more than a minute or so Saturday, and I was like "yeah, this feels right."

So there you go.

I wish nothing but the best for those two.

Righto. Off to work I go.

Cheery bye,

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