Sunday, June 6

'fo drizzle, yo

It took me forever to come up with that subject, and I can't say I really like it all that much. But it is a subject, and I think I can live with it.


Remember me? I post here every once in awhile, too. I have no explanation for my recent slackingnessity, other than I'm a slacker. So there.

Obviously, my attempt to one-up Steve in the Big Words Fest Two Thousand-Foooooouuuur! failed. Miserably.

Let's see. Since my last post I'

Seen HP3. And loved it to death. New director? Excellent job, sir. I can't pronounce your name, but that's beside the point. SPFX team? For Buckbeak alone, you deserve at least a pat on the back. Maybe two. But then you have to figure in the dementors, and that just puts it over the top. I don't get creeped out by movies too often, but the first appearance they made managed to send a chill down my spine. Bravo. And it was wonderful to see an actual adaptation of the book, as opposed to a blow-by-blow filming if stuff happening. I could quibble a bit, but I shan't, because the good outweighs the bad by about 13 tons.

Garfield should be stopped.

I wound up with a glass of diet coke in my lap last night. It's an interesting experience.

I also decided I'd make a terribly Buddhist. The whole 'life is suffering' thing just doesn't work with my personality. Even when things are going cruddy, I can still find something to take a bit of joy in. So there. No dementors gonna be sucking out my soul.

I like how I tied Buddhism into HP. Go, me.

Yesterday was the kick-off for the 2004 SRC at SLCL. Lots of kids, animals, balloons, et cetera. Wham, bam, thank you ma'am--guaranteed cute. Makes my job so easy sometimes. I also got to see Zach and his mom yesterday. I hadn't seen them in almost a year, sinc my last week at JB. They used to come up for story time, and Zach, who's probably 5 now, would want to play on our computers (well, he'd try to at least). And I was his favorite person since I helped him get the games on the 'puter working. And he was just adorable. And his mom is extremely nice. I miss them.

Does this post have a herky-jerky feel to it? It seem like it does. Oh well.

I've got so much crap to pay for right now. Regular bills, dentists, charities, wedding gifts...sigh. Anyone want to make a donation?

Janice and I went down to mum's tonight for dinner. It was oodles of fun. Mike grilled up some mean brats (among other things) and no one died! Yay! We also perused her collection of pictures. So Janice got to see pictures of me from kindergarten and the like. Back when I was adorable.

I was going to go on some more, but I just noticed it's 12:30. Some of us need to get to bed...

And this post wasn't going anywheres anyways.

Vavoom, I'm gone!

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