Saturday, June 12

A certain amount of resistance to the forces of light and heat.

Greetings one and everyone,

I was going to apologize for the lack of updates lately, but I decided not to. Besides, George was looking at me like "why should you? you spent all your free time with me, so who cares about them?"

Can't argue with that.

Today is Sunday.

No, wait. It's Saturday, but it sure as hell feels like a Sunday, seeing as how I was off work yesterday. I may not care much for our current president, but I do enjoy getting days off. Yes, I know it was supposed to be a day of mourning, but shoot, I was just a pup when Reagan was in office, and by the time I got to the point where I could invest some interest in politics, he was long removed from the scene. So I'm pretty neutral to the guy. Now, I'm sorry he died, but that's about the best I can do. I'm also a bit weirded out at how every media outlet has been gushing out nothing but accolades for the guy. I'm sure he did some good things in office, and was, overall, a nice guy, but you'd think he was flawless while in office.

Just kinda weird. And way off where I was going with this post.

So yeah, I was off yesterday, and it was truly wonderful. I also find myself staring an entire week off right in the eyes. How will I ever make it? I'll have to force myself to see Rush. And the Flecktones. And HP3 at the Omnimax. And sleep in. It'll be rough, but I can do it!

Thursday night I went with Steve, Amy, and Janice to the ShakespeareFest Two-Thousand Fooooooouuuuuuuuurrrrrrrr! The play was pretty good, even if it took me 20-30 minutes to figure out what was going on. The musical insertions were a lot of fun, and I bet even the Bard himself would get a kick out of the rap and wacky dance scenes. Then there was that Jeff guy. Juggling Jeff. Have you seen him? No? Well go see him. Even if you don't stay for the show, you should go see him. If you can't make it there, let me know, and I'll get you a schedule of his appearances for the library's summer reading club. No excuses.

Janice, Jess, and Matt came over last night for a little bit of Manos to get us through the night. Nothing like Manos. I think it might have got a bigger reaction than UHF, although I'm not totally sure. We also watched some old Nickelodeon game shows, which was a hoot, and downed a lot of soda. Somehow or other, we wound up outside at around 11:00 or so, trying to hit whiffle balls in the dark. It must have been all the soda we drank. Good times were had by all, and no eyes were poked out.

I got a cigar from my guitar teacher on Wednesday to celebrate the birth of his first baby (a girl. Very cool and all, but I have no clue what I'm gonna do with the cigar.

I also need to go change and such not so I can go do a shoot and buy some groceries.

Then I can come home and go see me some Rush.

Caught in the camera eye,

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