Sunday, February 25

I've Got the Music in Me!

Those who frequent this bit of web space (anyone?), may recall my blurb about the RPM Challenge, which I signed up for a few weeks ago. At the time, 10 songs seemed like nothing. I had plenty of time! And I came up with a few little ideas/chord changes/etc. and put them on my recorder. Then they sat around for awhile, and it was looking like I was going to run out of time. I figured at the very least, I'd have some new stuff to work on when the time was right. Then the RPM folks sent out an e-mail with a blog post from someone else doing the challenge, basically saying not to give up. So I said to myself, "Self, let's do this. We've got an entire weekend free, so let's make the most of it."

And we did. Just 10 minuted ago I wrapped up my eighth song since Friday night. Six totally new tunes and two old chord changes that were never fully realized. So now I'm two songs away with a few days to go. As luck would have it, I'm going into work at 12:45 on Tuesday, so I'll have time tomorrow night. It's surprised me how fast I've managed to crank these out. They aren't my best tunes, but they hold their own with anything else I've recorded. It's been fun, though I don't want to wait so long next time.

I also took some time to revamp the 'ol website this weekend. It's not totally done--there's something I need some help with regarding the links, and if you happen to be looking at the site at anything larger than 1024x768, it may looks kinda funky. So I need to work on that. But those are pretty minor issues, I think, so I should be good to go by next weekend, which, as luck would have it, is another open weekend.

Anything else?

If there is, I can't think of it. My brain is pretty fried right now.


Thursday, February 22

A 1000 words

Picture post ala Kelly today.

I started making my own crossword puzzle. It started like this...

...and wound up looking like this. Darn hard work, but ultimately worth it.

It snowed last week. Fun times, believe you me.

Well that just sucks, doesn't it?

Don't go leaving cans in the trunk of your car when it's going to be -reallycolddegrees outside.


Sunday, February 18

Leavin' Here

I don't know if this happens to everyone, but it seems like it can be easy to get comfortable in your current situation. In this case, spend long enough at a job, and you can get used to things. Complacent, maybe. Steady pay, and a fair amount of creative freedom, so why bother leaving? But I think I've hit a point at the Library where I can't really go any further than I already have, creatively speaking. I've explored the subtle nuances of author pictures about as far as I can.

All of this disjointed rambling is basically my way of saying it's time to move on, career-wise. Otherwise, I might be stuck at the library forever.

Way back when, when I was applying for jobs, I said I wouldn't move because I couldn't afford. But last week, coming home from soccer, I hit upon an idea: what if I found a job in some other city and then moved? Then I could afford it. Brilliant!

And the more I thought about it, the more interesting the idea sounded. Exciting, even.

As was pointed out, I've never been much of a roamer, opting to stay in town for college, and what-not. But as was also pointed out, I'm not really tied down by anything, so if I'm going to go, now's as good a time as any. And I think I'd really like to give it a try. As was also also pointed out, I can always come back if it doesn't work out.

SO where to go? When to go?

Well a lot of the where comes down to where the jobs are, assuming I can find something newspaper-y. I doubt I have enough experience to get on with a big daily, but I'm open to starting somewhere small and working up. So I'll look around and see what I can find. As for when, not until next year at the earliest. Too many commitments right now to just up and go. And it'll give me a chance to scout around.

And hey, all this home improvement should make selling the house easier, eh?

So there you go, if you didn't know already.

It is, of course, possible that I'll find something here, or come up with some reason to stay. So this isn't set in stone. Something slightly less firm.


Wednesday, February 14


I'll just be skipping today, thanks.


Saturday, February 10

You Gotta Roll With It

I'm updating via laptop tonight, for those interested. I should be doing this from the donut shop, but I figured the donut place wouldn't have wifi, so I opted to bring my donuts home. So, naturally, Old Town Donuts has wifi. Noted for next time.

RPM update: I have 4 chord changes put down in the recorder waiting for me to flesh them out. Not bad, really, so hopefully I can keep up the pace. I may just be in one of my creative moods, and if so, the timing is really good.

Food update: I had my first experience with sushi last night. And the verdict? I didn't not like it, for whatever sense that makes. I had a spicy tuna roll, which, sadly, had the distinction of being not spicy at all. I also had a yellow fin(?), which wasn't a roll, just a slice of fish on a bed of rice. That was quite tasty. I also had some miso soup, also good, and some tempura, which was also good. One item ordered, which I passed on, was, I think, some kinda shrimp with all the legs still attached. I had to pass on something similar in France, when the shrimp still had its eye attached. Yum.

Major life decision update: well, let me dwell on that one a bit more and I'll let you all know. But it promises to be exciting if I go through with it.

I also plan to get back in the habit of posting pictures here every so often, so, you know, if you're into that kind of thing, stay tuned.


Wednesday, February 7

Let the Music Play

I came across an interesting competition of sorts yesterday whilst perusing this great internet thing. It's called the RPM Challenge, and the idea is to record either 10 songs or 35 minutes of total music over the month of February. The record and mail in a CD. From there? I don't know, actually. I don't recall the specs on that part. Or maybe I didn't read it. Either way, it sounded fun, and it seemed like a good way to get some new music written in a hurry. True I missed a few days, but I should have time. I came up with something last night, so it'sa good start. I did some jamming with Andrew last night and once we got going, we came up with some cool ideas. Nothing I remember, but it'sa good sign that the creative juices ae still flowing. So we'll see how this goes.

And after seeing Flecktones show number 7 Monday night (excellent, as always), my summer plans are starting to fall into place. The TABBBQ is June 23 in K-Ville, MO. So what I figure I can do is go up that weekend, then make my yearly off-week the last week of June, and go to Chi-Town to see the 'Tones again on June 28. Seems like a solid deal. Get a mini-vacation and a concert in all at once. That may wind up effectively ending my Memphis plans, but you never know. For now, I'd rather go see the 'Tones. So I should probably start planning that and see who may or may not want to go.

Anything else new?

Well, we're rebranding ourselves here at ye olde Library, which means new logo, slogan, etc. Of course, the two are being worked on independently right now. So my logo ideas may have nothing to do with any slogan we choose. Which makes sense, you know. Anywho, we've been brainstorming to some extent down here in Communications, tossing out anything that pops into our head, in case it leads to something really good. Alas, it's been slim pickings in my head, as I've not come up with much of anything. Unless you count "Baby Got Books" as a valid suggestion.

Yeah, neither do I.
