Sunday, April 2

Put me in coach, I'm ready to play.

There's only one thing anyone really needs to know right now, and it is that The Season opens tomorrow. Or today, depending on when you read this.

Everything else is just details.

I apologize to anyone who reads this and wonders what I've been up to. I imagine if you need to know what I've been doing, I've already told you. Or you were there with me.

But here's a recap, as best I can (or feel like):

-CM concert, with a Fred/Sonia acoustic show beforehand
-I found the baby in my piece of King Cake!
-My ears took a big hit after that show. Wow.
-Travelled to parts unknown (to me) in the state with a trip to Sikeston
-Home of Sikeston
-Home of the Throwed Roll. And yes, I did catch one.
-Travelled to more parts unknown with a trip to KC to see the 'Tones.
-Amazing show.
-Came back to StL for another 'Tones show.
-An even more amazing show, if such a thing is possible.
-I learned that if a one-man horn section writes a song in a drummer's dream,
that song must start with a drum solo.
-I-70 contains many ads for video stores of ill-repute.
-All such places have arcades. What kind of games would such a place have?
-Or do I even want to know?

And I'm back to work tomorrow. Yee.


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