Friday, April 21


I don't know how I managed to make it look like my backyard is made of the same stuff used to create landscapes for model train set-ups, but there you go. I'll just chalk it up to the wonders of slide film.

Go buy some!

I was hoping to have little insights to go with everything I post, picture wise, but I haven't really done that. I can't think of anything for this shot, either. I know it was one of those 'need to finish the roll ASAP so just shoot something' kinda deals. But it is a good example of just stopping in your tracks and taking a look where you normally wouldn't and seeing what turns up. Or down, as the case may be here. One cool thing about this picture: it makes me look really tall!

Not that I'm short, mind you. I'm actually used to being one of the taller people in the circle of folks I run with, friends or family. Actually, I might be the tallest member of my immediate family, now that I think about it, which, apparently, comes from Grandpa V.

Why does it sound like that last paragraph is some kinda denial of shortness?

I'm tall, dammit, tall!


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