Thursday, April 27

Welcome to baseball

Guess where I went yesterday?

All in all, not a bad place to take in a game. Maybe not 'Baseball Heaven,' but a darn nice stadium. I didn't get to see as much of the place as I would have liked, but I'm going back in a couple weeks, so I'll poke around more then. It doesn't have the same 'feel' as BII did, but it is new, after all, and maybe after a couple more games it'll feel....right. Or something like that. But the advertising....ugh. Seems like too much, if you ask me.

Albert Pujols is a pretty good player, if you were wondering.

And now, pictures. More after the next game.

Post-game exit.

I love these light fixtures. Maybe my favorite part of the new design.

And finally, can you spot the specialness of this picture?


Friday, April 21


I don't know how I managed to make it look like my backyard is made of the same stuff used to create landscapes for model train set-ups, but there you go. I'll just chalk it up to the wonders of slide film.

Go buy some!

I was hoping to have little insights to go with everything I post, picture wise, but I haven't really done that. I can't think of anything for this shot, either. I know it was one of those 'need to finish the roll ASAP so just shoot something' kinda deals. But it is a good example of just stopping in your tracks and taking a look where you normally wouldn't and seeing what turns up. Or down, as the case may be here. One cool thing about this picture: it makes me look really tall!

Not that I'm short, mind you. I'm actually used to being one of the taller people in the circle of folks I run with, friends or family. Actually, I might be the tallest member of my immediate family, now that I think about it, which, apparently, comes from Grandpa V.

Why does it sound like that last paragraph is some kinda denial of shortness?

I'm tall, dammit, tall!


Wednesday, April 19

Wait. What?

From the Post-Dispatch sports section today: "Pujols seeing the ball well."

Not so you'd notice or anything.

Alas, the same can be said of the Pirates hitters last night whilst facing Soup Can and the bullpen.


Monday, April 17

Glad to be Alive

Of course, Fred's in focus. Or is that "the" focus? I blame the low lighting conditions at Borders for the overall bluriness of the picture. For anyone at that night's show, I'd like to say I have a shirt just like Griff had on that night.

In case you were wondering.

I bet if I asked Paul for a picture, he'd say something that may or may not make sense (one sentence only), then walk away without a picture. Not because he's rude, but because he's Paul. And that's why we love him.


Friday, April 14


I just got a roll of slide film I shot at Diane's processed, so I should have a lot of stuff to show off. Or not, depending on how lazy I get.

But, for now, enjoy.


Wednesday, April 12

Overkilroy Was Here

At this very moment, Danielle Steele has over sixty books with her name on it. That's 6-0. To put it in comparison, Harper Lee wrote 1.

Maybe not the best comparison, but still. And while I've never read a Steele book, Train Ma used to assure me that once you read one of her books, there's no need to read another one. Since I trust gram on that one (she was quite the reader), we can infer that if one Steele book is the same as another, that she's only truly written one real novel and has been rehashing the same drivel for God-knows how many years. And she still hasn't managed to reach (again, I'm assuming here0 the literary quality that Lee reached with To Kill a Mockingbird. Now, it could be argued that D.S. has never been trying to reach that level. And really, I have no trouble with light, easy reads. But come on. The gal puts out 4 books a year! Why not do one a year and throw some effort into the damn things?

There. Now I feel better. But I really have nothing else to say. So I'm going to start what I hope will be a regular thing. Since I can't get very wordy these days, but don't want to let this valuable web space go to waste, I'll be posting various pictures I shoot. And no, this isn't going to replace the much-maligned website, which I think I (really!) will be overhauling soon.

So, for starters, I offer foot.

Why are Chucks so darn photogenic?


p.s. Danielle Steele wrote another book while I made this post.

Sunday, April 2

Put me in coach, I'm ready to play.

There's only one thing anyone really needs to know right now, and it is that The Season opens tomorrow. Or today, depending on when you read this.

Everything else is just details.

I apologize to anyone who reads this and wonders what I've been up to. I imagine if you need to know what I've been doing, I've already told you. Or you were there with me.

But here's a recap, as best I can (or feel like):

-CM concert, with a Fred/Sonia acoustic show beforehand
-I found the baby in my piece of King Cake!
-My ears took a big hit after that show. Wow.
-Travelled to parts unknown (to me) in the state with a trip to Sikeston
-Home of Sikeston
-Home of the Throwed Roll. And yes, I did catch one.
-Travelled to more parts unknown with a trip to KC to see the 'Tones.
-Amazing show.
-Came back to StL for another 'Tones show.
-An even more amazing show, if such a thing is possible.
-I learned that if a one-man horn section writes a song in a drummer's dream,
that song must start with a drum solo.
-I-70 contains many ads for video stores of ill-repute.
-All such places have arcades. What kind of games would such a place have?
-Or do I even want to know?

And I'm back to work tomorrow. Yee.
